webOS OSE 2.8.0 Release
November 13, 2020
We’re pleased to announce the release of webOS Open Source Edition (OSE) 2.8.0.
The highlights of this release are as follows:
For more details on this release, see the release notes.
Introducing the Media Indexer service
The Media Indexer service provides information about media files in the internal storage and USB storage. The information about media files includes thumbnail, resolution, codec, artist, size, etc. The supported media file formats are as follows: “WAV”,“MP3”, “AAC”, “AVI”, “MP4”, “MPEG1”, “MPEG2”, “MKV”, “PS”, “TS”, “FLV”, “F4V”.
For more information about the Media Indexer service, please refer to the mediaindexer API reference.