webOS OSE 2.20.0 Release
February 17, 2023
We’re pleased to announce the release of webOS Open Source Edition (OSE) 2.20.0.
The highlights of this release are as follows:
For more details on this release, see the release notes.
Pre-built Image Available on GitHub
Starting from this release, we provides pre-built images of webOS OSE platform (RPi4 64-bit, RPi4 64-bit devel, Emulator 64-bit, Emulator 64-bit devel) for every release.
We had published images with the help of WebOS-Ports community. (Thanks, WebOS-Ports!) But this was no longer feasible for our team. So we explored a new approach, and decided to publish using GitHub Releases.
Pre-built images will be uploaded 2~3 days after the source codes are released on our GitHub.
Updating System UI
UI framework for System UI is changed from Moonstone to Sandstone.
And from this version, you can check the list of known Wi-Fi ever connected. Check the Network menu of the Settings app.

Adding Shortcuts for Screenshot
In this release, shortcuts for screenshot features are added.
- Take a screenshot:
(Stored in/tmp/screenshots
) - Delete all screenshots:
You can also use the existing way using the luna-send
command. See also the captureCompositorOutput method.
luna-send -f -n 1 luna://com.webos.surfacemanager/captureCompositorOutput '{