Introduction to LS2 API

LS2 API is a JSON-based API provided by webOS platform services. You can use LS2 API to create apps or services that use webOS platform features.

This page explains the basic concepts of LS2 API using the example of com.webos.service.systemservice, which provides access to system settings such as preferences and time/time zone information.

Key Terminology

The following outlines the key terms and concepts that you will come across while using LS2 API.

Service URI

A service URI is a unique address that makes each platform service accessible via Luna Bus. A service URI follows the format of luna://<service name>.

Therefore, the clients (other apps or services) can make a request to com.webos.service.systemservice using the address luna://com.webos.service.systemservice.


Each service provides one or more methods that are categorized by the feature they provide. Methods common to the service are grouped under the root category, whereas methods related to a specific feature are grouped under the relevant category.

com.webos.service.systemservice provides the following methods to retrieve or set system preference values, which are grouped under the root category.

  • getPreferences
  • setPreferences

In addition, com.webos.service.systemservice provides time-based methods, which are grouped under the time category. For instance, you can retrieve or set the system time using the following methods:

  • time/getSystemTime
  • time/setSystemTime


Parameters are service request options and are passed as a JSON object. Parameters consist of a set of properties required for the service request as well as a few reserved properties that are common to all service requests.

One example of such reserved properties is the subscribe property, which can be sent to services that allow subscriptions. If the subscription is successful, the service will return subscription responses either at periodic intervals or when its data is updated.

The following describes the parameters for time-based methods of com.webos.service.systemservice.

  • time/getSystemTime
    • The method does not require any input parameters.
    • As an optional parameter, subscribe property can be sent.
  • time/setSystemTime
    • The method requires utc (Coordinated Universal Time) as an input parameter.
    • As an optional parameter, timestamp object can be sent.

Call Response

A call response is a JSON object containing the service’s response data to a method call. It has a reserved property returnValue to indicate the success or failure of a call.

  • If returnValue is true, the call is a success and the response object might have additional properties depending on the API call being made.
    • If the subscribe property in the parameters was set to true, the response object will return a property subscribed to indicate the success or failure of the subscription. If subscribed is true, it indicates that the subscription was a success.
  • If returnValue is false, it means the call failed and the response object might contain further properties such as errorCode and errorText that give more information about the error.

Subscription Response

A subscription response is a JSON object containing the service’s response data to a subscription. It has two reserved properties subscribed and returnValue, where subscribed indicates the status of subscription and returnValue indicates the status of operation.

Basics of Using LS2 API

This section explains the basics of how to use LS2 API.

Invoking a Method

Clients can make a request to a platform service using methods. In return to the request, the service provides a call response in JSON format.

The following shows an example of calling the time/getSystemTime method, using the luna-send command. The luna-send command accepts the complete method URI as its argument, which follows the format of <service URI>/<method name>. In case of the time/getSystemTime method, the method URI becomes luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/time/getSystemTime.

$ luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/time/getSystemTime '{}'

Call response:
    "timezone": "Asia/Seoul",
    "returnValue": true,
    "utc": 1557280839,
    "localtime": {
        "month": 5,
        "day": 8,
        "hour": 11,
        "minute": 0,
        "year": 2019,
        "second": 39
    "TZ": "KST",
    "systemTimeSource": "ntp",
    "timestamp": {
        "source": "monotonic",
        "sec": 730,
        "nsec": 472935963
    "timeZoneFile": "/var/luna/preferences/localtime",
    "offset": 540,
    "isDST": false
  • Empty curly braces ('{}') after the method URI indicate that no parameters are passed to the method.

Subscribing for Notifications

Clients can subscribe for notifications of some methods. In this case, the client makes a subscription request for the method and gets notified when any updates are available. This works well for operations where the information is likely to change and where the client needs the latest information.

In most cases, subscription is only supported on methods that accept the subscribe parameter. However, some methods are subscription-only, meaning that they are automatically subscribed and do not have the subscribe parameter.

The following shows an example of subscribing to the time/getSystemTime method, using the luna-send command. To test subscription with the luna-send command, use -i option for interactive mode.

$ luna-send -i -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/time/getSystemTime '{"subscribe": true}'

Call response:
    "timezone": "Asia/Seoul",
    "returnValue": true,
    "utc": 1561617075,
    "localtime": {
        "month": 6,
        "day": 27,
        "hour": 15,
        "minute": 31,
        "year": 2019,
        "second": 15
    "subscribed": true,
    "TZ": "KST",
    "systemTimeSource": "ntp",

By setting the subscribe parameter to true, the client subscribes to the time/getSystemTime method in order to get notifications in the following situations:

  • When the system time changes by more than the system-defined threshold (5 minutes)
  • When the time zone changes

If you make one of the above changes in the Settings app, subscription responses will be received as follows:

System time changed
Subscription response:
    "timezone": "Asia/Seoul",
    "NITZValidZone": false,
    "utc": 1561614000,
    "localtime": {
        "month": 6,
        "day": 27,
        "hour": 14,
        "minute": 40,
        "year": 2019,
        "second": 0
    "TZ": "KST",
    "systemTimeSource": "manual",
Time zone changed
Subscription response:
    "timezone": "Asia/Dubai",
    "NITZValidZone": false,
    "utc": 1561617502,
    "localtime": {
        "month": 6,
        "day": 27,
        "hour": 10,
        "minute": 38,
        "year": 2019,
        "second": 22
    "TZ": "+04",
    "systemTimeSource": "ntp",
To exit the interactive mode of luna-send, input Ctrl+C.

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