This API has been available since API level 32.
This API has been available since API level 32.
Provide an interface to record audio and video.
API level 32
Pauses the recording.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates method execution status. Possible values are:
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
6 | - | For details, see the 'API Error Codes Reference' table. |
Example : pause
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.pipeline.record._QivNm100000mLC/pause '{}'
"returnValue": true
API level 32
Resumes the recording.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates method execution status. Possible values are:
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
6 | - | For details, see the 'API Error Codes Reference' table. |
Example : Resume
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.pipeline.record._QivNm100000mLC/resume '{}'
"returnValue": true
API level 32
Starts recording.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
video | Optional | Object: video | Indicates the video information. Note: Any one of audio, video, and image must be provided. Note: Audio and video can be provided together. |
audio | Optional | Object: audio | Indicates the audio information. Note: Any one of audio, video, and image must be provided. Note: Audio and video can be provide together. |
image | Optional | Object: image | Indicates the image information. Note: Any one of audio, video, and image must be provided. |
format | Required | String | Format in which data is stored. |
path | Required | String | Path and file names of the saved file. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates method execution status. Possible values are:
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
1, 2 | - | For details, see the 'API Error Codes Reference' table. |
Example : Start - using a random ID (_QivNm100000mLC) to identify the pipeline
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.pipeline.record._QivNm100000mLC/start '{
"video": {
"videoSrc": "camera1",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720,
"codec": "H264",
"fps": 30,
"bitRate": 0
"audio": {
"codec": "AAC",
"sampleRate": 44100,
"channelCount": 2,
"bitRate": 0
"format": "MP4",
"path": "/media/internal/Record02122024-20054355.mp4"
API level 32
Stops recording and saves the output to file.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates method execution status. Possible values are:
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
3, 4, 5 | - | For details, see the 'API Error Codes Reference' table. |
Example : Stop
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.pipeline.record._QivNm100000mLC/stop '{}'
"returnValue": true
API level 32
Gets a notification when there is an event on pipeline.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
subscribe | Optional | Boolean | Subscribe to receive updates from this method. Possible values are:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates method execution status. Possible values are:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates method execution status. Possible values are:
id | Optional | String | Indicates the id of the camera. |
eventType | Optional | String | Indicates whether there is a device error. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
7 | - | For details, see the 'API Error Codes Reference' table. |
Example : Subscribe
# luna-send -i -f luna://com.webos.pipeline.record._QivNm100000mLC/subscribe '{"subscribe": true}'
"returnValue": true
Subscription Response:
Details of audio.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
codec | Required | String | Codec used for compression. |
sampleRate | Required | Number | Audio sample rate. |
channelCount | Required | Number | Audio channel. |
bitRate | Required | Number | Audio bit rate. |
Details of image.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
videoSrc | Required | String | Source of the image. |
codec | Required | String | Codec used for compression. |
width | Required | Number | Width of the image. |
height | Required | Number | Height of the image. |
quality | Required | Number | Quality of the image. |
Details of video.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
videoSrc | Required | String | Source of the video. |
width | Required | Number | Width of the video. |
height | Required | Number | Height of the video. |
codec | Required | String | Codec used for compression. |
fps | Required | Number | Video frame rate. |
bitRate | Required | Number | Video bit rate. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
1 | recorder not created | Could not create a recorder instance. |
2 | Failed to load recorder | The recorder could not be loaded successfully. |
3 | Already unloaded | The recorder has already been unloaded. |
4 | Fails to unload the recorder | An error while trying to unload the recorder . |
5 | Resource release failed | The attempt to release resources associated with the recorder was unsuccessful. |
6 | Invalid state | The pipeline is in an incorrect state. |
7 | Subscription add fail | There is a problem adding a subscription. |