This API has been available since API level 11.
This API has been available since API level 11.
Manages wired and wireless network connections across webOS apps and services
Provides methods to get and set the overall network connection status including setting IPv4/IPv6 and DNS parameters. This API can be used for both wired and wireless interfaces.
About webos-connman-adapter daemon:
webos-connman-adapter is a daemon which acts as an interface between a daemon for managing internet connections called connman, and the rest of the webOS world. The reason we need this wrapper daemon is because connman communicates via dbus whereas the webOS apps/services require luna-service2(LS2) for interprocess communication. So, internally webos-connman-adapter communicates to connman via dbus but provides the LS2 interface to all the webOS apps/services so that they can get all the network related information as well as manage the connections.
API level 11
Provides the proxy server that was used to reach the target URL.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
url | Required | String | The complete URL to be checked for proxy access. |
host | Required | String | The hostname component of a URL for convenience |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
proxy | Optional | String | The proxy address for the target URL. For example, "PROXY <proxy1>:1080". For directly connected sites, the value "DIRECT" is returned. |
returnValue | Required | String | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
errorCode | Optional | String | The error code for the failed operation. |
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
205 | Error in finding proxy for url | Error in finding the proxy for the provided URL and host. |
Example code
Example 1: Example for direct call.
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.connectionmanager/findProxyForURL '{
"proxy": "DIRECT",
"returnValue": true
API level 11
Provides the current status of Wi-Fi and wired network connections on the system.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
subscribe | Optional | Boolean | Subscribe to this method to get notified on changes to the status of the network connection. Possible values are:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
isInternetConnectionAvailable | Required | Boolean | Indicates if internet connection is available. Possible values are:
wifi | Required | Object: wifi | Information about the Wi-Fi connection. |
wired | Required | Object: wired | Information about the wired connection. |
offlineMode | Optional | String | Indicates if the system is offline. Possible values are:
subscribed | Required | Boolean | Indicates if subscribed to get notified on changes to the status of the network connection (check 'subscribe' parameter). |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
isInternetConnectionAvailable | Required | Boolean | Indicates if internet connection is available. Possible values are:
wifi | Required | Object: wifi | Information about the Wi-Fi connection. |
wired | Required | Object: wired | Information about the wired connection. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Value is always true (since subscription is only displayed on successful operations). |
subscribed | Required | Boolean | Indicates if subscribed to get notified on changes to the status of the network connection (check 'subscribe' parameter). |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
1 | Unknown error | Error when parsing the response JSON object. |
4 | Connman manager is not available | Error because webos-connman-adapter was unable to communicate with the connman daemon. |
9 | Could not validate json message against schema | This message implies that there was an error because parameters passed to a method were not following the schema format. |
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.connectionmanager/getStatus '{}'
"returnValue": true,
"offlineMode": "disabled",
"wired": {
"netmask": "",
"dns1": "",
"ipAddress": "",
"proxyinfo": {
"method": "direct"
"onInternet": "no",
"method": "fixed",
"state": "connected",
"gateway": "",
"interfaceName": "eth0",
"plugged": true
"wifi": {
"state": "disconnected"
"subscribed": false,
"isInternetConnectionAvailable": false
API level 11
Gets the MAC addresses for the Wi-Fi and wired interfaces.
When subscribed, getInfo periodically checks for any changes in interface MAC addresses and notifies subscribers when changes are detected. The check interval is 1 second.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
subscribe | Optional | Boolean | Subscribe to be notified of changes in interfaces. Possible values are:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
wifiInfo | Optional | Object: wifiInfo | Information about the Wi-Fi interface. |
wiredInfo | Optional | Object: wiredInfo | Information about the wired interface. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
subscribed | Required | Boolean | Indicates if subscribed to get notified (check 'subscribe' parameter). |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
wifiInfo | Optional | Object: wifiInfo | Information about the Wi-Fi interface. |
wiredInfo | Optional | Object: wiredInfo | Information about the wired interface. |
subscribed | Required | Boolean | Always true in case of subscription response. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Always true in case of subscription response |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
1 | Unknown error | This message implies that there was an internal error when parsing the JSON object being prepared as a response (extremely unlikely). |
9 | Could not validate json message against schema | One or more of the parameters do not have the correct data type. |
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.connectionmanager/getinfo '{}'
API level 23
API level 23
This method is deprecated in favor of the getStatus() method. It is added only for backward compatibility.
Note: Besides the method name, all other aspects of the method are identical to getStatus() method. Refer to getStatus for more information.
API level 27
Monitors the data activity on the wired, Wi-Fi and WAN interfaces for bytes received or transmitted, errors, packets and dropped packets. A data counter will be started as soon as there is even a single subscriber and the counter will be stopped if the subscriber count drops to 0.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
subscribe | Required | Boolean | Indicates if subscribed to get the notifications. Possible values are:
Note: This parameter needs to be set to true else the method will fail and return an error. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of the operation. Possible values are:
subscribed | Required | Boolean | Indicates if subscribed to get the notifications (check 'subscribe' parameter). |
sampleInterval | Optional | Number | Indicates the time duration for sampling the data activity in msec. |
wired | Optional | Object: dataStats | Indicates the data activity for the wired interface. |
wifi | Optional | Object: dataStats | Indicates the data activity for Wi-Fi interface. |
wan | Optional | Object: dataStats | Indicates the data activity for Wan interface. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of the operation. Possible values are:
subscribed | Required | Boolean | Indicates if subscribed to get the notifications. Possible values are:
sampleInterval | Optional | Number | The time duration for sampling data activity (in milliseconds). |
wired | Optional | Object: dataStats | Indicates the data activity for the wired interface. |
wifi | Optional | Object: dataStats | Indicates the data activity for the Wi-Fi interface. |
wan | Optional | Object: dataStats | Indicates the data activity for Wan interface. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
4 | Connman service unavailable | This message implies that there was an error because webos-connman-adapter was not able to communicate with the connman daemon. |
9 | Could not validate json message against schema | One or more of the parameters do not have the correct data type. |
129 | Subscription is mandatory | This message implies that there was an error because the subscribe parameter was set to false. |
156 | Error in setting counter | This message implies that there was an error when creating a new counter object. |
# luna-send -i -f luna://com.webos.service.connectionmanager/monitorActivity '{"subscribe":true}'
API level 13
Allows to set the default interface.
This API allows to change the current default interface with another interface which is in connected state, for the same technology.
For example, ethernet has multiple interfaces like eth0, eth1, eth2. If currently eth0 is the default interface and eth1, eth2 have 'state' field as 'connected' in getStatus() method, then either eth1 and eth2 can be set as default interfaces.
Note: Should be used only to change the current state of the interface. It does not retain/persist the interface state due to other events or action.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
ifName | Required | String | Interface that is to be made as the default. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of the operation. Possible values are:
errorCode | Optional | Number | The error code for the failed operation. |
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
102 | Could not validate json message against schema | This message implies that there was an error because parameters passed to a method were not following the schema format. |
301 | Invalid Interface | This message implies that there was an error because passed interface does not exist or interface state is not connected. |
302 | Already default | This message implies that provided interface is already set as default. |
Example scenario
# luna://com.webos.service.connectionmanager/setDefaultInterface '{"ifName":"eth0"}'
API level 11
Specifies the proxy server for the network.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
method | Required | String | The method to get the actual system configuration for proxy servers. Possible values are:
url | Optional | String | Automatic proxy configuration URL. If no URL is specified, DHCP/WPAD auto-discover will be tried. If DHCP/WPAD auto-discover methods also fail, then method will be set to "direct". Note: Used when method is set to "auto". |
servers | Optional | String array | List of proxy URIs. An URI without a protocol will be interpreted as the generic proxy URI. Note: Used when method is set to "manual". |
excludes | Optional | String array | List of hosts which can be accessed directly. Note: Used when method is set to "manual". |
ssid | Optional | String | The SSID of the Wi-Fi connection for which the proxy must be set. If no value is provided, the proxy is applied to the wired connection. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
1 | Unknown Error | Error in setting the proxy. |
3 | Invalid parameters | Error because the "servers" parameter is mandatory if the method is "manual". |
4 | Connman service unavailable | Error because webos-connman-adapter was not able to communicate with the connman daemon. |
136 | No connected network | Error because no network was found with the provided SSID. |
Example: Proxy method is set to direct (no proxy)
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.connectionmanager/setProxy '{ "method":"direct" }'
Example: Automatically set the proxy using an URL
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.connectionmanager/setProxy '{
"method": "auto",
Example: Manually configure the proxy details
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.connectionmanager/setProxy '{
"excludes" : [""]
API level 11
Enables or disables the available connection interfaces which can be:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
enabled | Optional | String array | List of technologies to enable. The array can contain: wifi, ethernet. |
disabled | Optional | String array | List of technologies to disable. The array can contain: wifi, ethernet. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
3 | Invalid parameters | This message implies that there was an error because of invalid parameters. |
4 | Connman service unavailable | This message implies that there was an error because webos-connman-adapter was not able to communicate with the connman daemon. |
9 | Could not validate json message against schema | This message implies that there was an error because parameters passed to a method were not following the schema format. |
163 | Failed to enable/disable one or more technologies | This message implies that there was an error because the service failed while trying to enable or disable any of the specified technologies. The most common cause is that the technology is not available on the device. Note: Getting this error does not mean that no technology changed its state. The list is processed in order and if the last one for example failed to get enabled/disabled, all of the others would have correctly been processed and switched to their state according to the request. |
181 | Not supported | This message implies that technology exists, but enabling or disabling it is not supported on this platform. |
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.connectionmanager/setTechnologyState '{"enabled":["wifi"]}'
"returnValue": true
API level 11
Changes the DNS servers for the network. If a SSID value is not provided in the request then the modifications are applied to the wired connection. If interface option is not provided operation will be performed on default interface
Name | Required | Type | Description |
dns | Required | String array | Contains the IP addresses of the DNS servers that need to be changed. |
ssid | Optional | String | Indicates the SSID of the Wi-Fi connection to be modified. |
interfaceName | Optional | String | Interface on which operation needs to be performed. If not provided operation will be performed on default interface |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
1 | Unknown error | This message implies that there was an error in setting the dns for the given network. |
3 | Invalid parameters | This message implies that there was an error because one or more invalid ip addresses were passed in the dns parameter. |
4 | Connection service unavailable | This message implies that there was an error because webos-connman-adapter was not able to talk to the connman daemon. |
9 | Could not validate json message against schema | This message implies that there was an error because parameters passed to a method were not following the schema format. |
136 | No connected network | This message implies that there was an error because no network was found with the provided ssid. |
301 | Invalid Interface | This message implies that there was an error because passed interfaceName does not exist |
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.connectionmanager/setdns '{"dns":[""]}'
API level 11
Modifies the parameters of an IPv4 connection (wired or Wi-Fi). If a SSID value is not provided in the request, the modifications are applied to the wired connection only. If interface option is not provided operation will be performed on default interface.
Note: At least one of the following parameters must be provided: SSID, address, netmask or gateway.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
method | Required | String | Specifies the way the IPv4 parameter should be changed. Possible values are:
address | Optional | String | If specified, sets a new IP address. |
netmask | Optional | String | If specified, sets a new netmask. |
gateway | Optional | String | If specified, sets a new gateway IP address. |
ssid | Optional | String | Specifies the Wi-Fi connection to modify. If absent, the wired connection is changed. |
interfaceName | Optional | String | Interface on which operation needs to be performed. If not provided operation will be performed on default interface |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
1 | Unknown error | This message implies that there was an error in setting ipv4 parameters for the given network. |
2 | Malformed json | Unable to parse the json schema |
3 | Invalid parameters | This message implies that there was an error because of an invalid ip address value in the address, netmask or gateway parameters. |
4 | Connman service unavailable | This message implies that there was an error because webos-connman-adapter was not able to talk to the connman daemon. |
9 | Could not validate json message against schema | This message implies that there was an error because parameters passed to a method were not following the schema format. |
102 | Network not found | This message implies that there was an error because the network with the given ssid was not found. |
301 | Invalid Interface | This message implies that there was an error because passed interfaceName does not exist |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.connectionmanager/setipv4 '{
"ssid": "MyTestAP",
"method": "manual",
"address": "",
"netmask": "",
"gateway": ""
Example scenario
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.connectionmanager/setipv4 '{
Example scenario
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.connectionmanager/setipv4 '{
"ssid": "Connectivity",
"method": "manual",
"address": "",
"netmask": "",
"gateway": "",
"interfaceName" : "eth0"
"returnValue": true
API level 11
Modifies the parameters of an IPv6 connection (wired or Wi-Fi). If a SSID value is not provided in the request then the modifications are applied to the wired connection only. If interface option is not provided operation will be performed on default interface.
Note: At least one of the following parameters must be provided: method, address, prefixLength or gateway.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
address | Optional | String | If specified, sets a new IP address. Note: If method is set as "manual", the address field is mandatory. |
gateway | Optional | String | If specified, sets a new gateway IP address. |
method | Required | String | The method parameter specifies the way the IPv4 parameter should be changed. The allowed values are:
prefixLength | Optional | Number (int32_t) | If specified, sets the prefixLength for the IPv6 address. |
ssid | Optional | String | Specifies the Wi-Fi connection to modify. If absent, the wired connection is changed. |
interfaceName | Optional | String | Interface on which operation needs to be performed. If not provided operation will be performed on default interface. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
1 | Unknown error | This message implies that there was an error in setting ipv6 parameters for the network with the given ssid. |
3 | Invalid parameters | This message implies that there was an error because of an invalid ip address value in address or gateway. |
4 | Connman service unavailable | This message implies that there was an error because webos-connman-adapter was not able to communicate with the connman daemon. |
9 | Could not validate json message against schema | This message implies that there was an error because parameters passed to a method were not following the schema format. |
102 | Network not found | This message implies that there was an error because a network with the given ssid was not found. |
301 | Invalid Interface | This message implies that there was an error because passed interfaceName does not exist |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.connectionmanager/setipv6 '{
"ssid": "MyTestAP",
"method": "manual",
"address": "2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348"
Example scenario
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.connectionmanager/setipv6 '{
API level 11
Enables or disables the state of either or both the Wi-Fi and wired connections on the system.
Note: While all parameters are optional, at least one parameter is required, or the method will return error.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
wifi | Optional | String | Set it to enabled to enable Wi-Fi. Set it to disabled to disable Wi-Fi. Any other value will result in an error. |
wired | Optional | String | Set it to enabled to enable wired. Set it to disabled to disable wired. Any other value will lead to an error. |
offlineMode | Optional | String | Set it to enabled to enable offline mode. Set it to disabled to disable offline mode. Any other value will lead to an error. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
2 | Malformed json | Unable to parse the json schema |
3 | Invalid parameters | This message implies that there was an error occurs when either the wifi or wired parameters have a value other than enabled or disabled. |
4 | Connman service unavailable | This message implies that there was an error because webos-connman-adapter was not able to talk to the connman daemon. |
9 | Could not validate json message against schema | This message implies that there was an error because parameters passed to a method were not following the schema format. |
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.connectionmanager/setstate '{"wifi":"enabled"}'
"returnValue": true
This object provides detailed information about the interfaces details
Sample "InterfaceInfo" object :
"name" : "eth0",
"netmask": "",
"dns1": "",
"dns2": "",
"ipAddress": "",
"dns3": "",
"onInternet": "yes",
"method": "dhcp",
"state": "connected",
"gateway": "",
"interfaceName": "eth0",
"plugged": true,
"proxyInfo" :
"servers": [""],
"method": "manual",
"excludes": [""]
Name | Required | Type | Description |
checkingInternet | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether Internet checking is going on or not. |
dns | Optional | String array | List of IP Addreses of the DNS servers for this wired connection. |
gateway | Optional | String | The IP address of the network gateway. |
interfaceName | Optional | String | Name of the wired Interface name in use. For example, eth0. |
ipAddress | Optional | String | The IP address associated with the wired connection. |
method | Optional | String | If the IP address was assigned using the manual mode, method will contain Manual. |
netmask | Optional | String | The net mask value for the wired connection |
onInternet | Optional | String | The captive portal technique forces an HTTP client on a network to see a special web page (usually for authentication purposes) before using the Internet normally.
plugged | Required | Boolean | If Ethernet cable is plugged, plugged will contain true. |
proxyInfo | Optional | Object: proxyInfo | The actual system configuration of Proxy servers. |
state | Required | String | If the wired connection is available it will be set to connected. |
default | Optional | Boolean | This field will be present only with the default interface and its value will be true |
Provides interfaces MAC address and name
Sample InterfaceMacinfo object :
Name | Required | Type | Description |
name | Required | String | Name of the interface |
macAddress | Required | String | Mac address |
The object containing IP configuration information.
An example would look like:
"subnet": "",
"dns": [ "" ],
"address": "",
"gateway": "",
"interface": "eth0"
Name | Required | Type | Description |
interface | Required | String | Network interface to which this configuration is to be applied. |
address | Optional | String | Address used for the configuration. |
subnet | Required | String | Subnet mask. |
gateway | Required | String | Address of the network gateway. |
dns | Required | String array | List of DNS servers used for this IP configuration. |
This object contains the actual system configuration for proxy servers.
Sample "proxyInfo" object:
"servers": [""],
"method": "manual",
"excludes": [""]
Name | Required | Type | Description |
method | Required | String | The method to get the actual system configuration for proxy servers. Possible values are:
url | Optional | String | Automatic proxy configuration URL. If no URL is specified, DHCP/WPAD auto-discover will be tried. If DHCP/WPAD auto-discover methods also fail, then method will be set to "direct". Note: Used when method is set to "auto". |
servers | Optional | String array | List of proxy URIs. An URI without a protocol will be interpreted as the generic proxy URI. Note: Used when method is set to "manual". |
excludes | Optional | String array | List of hosts which can be accessed directly. Note: Used when method is set to "manual". |
The wifi object provides details on the status of the Wi-Fi connection. If the Wi-Fi connection is available then all the fields of this object will contain relevant information. If the Wi-Fi connection is not available then the state field of this object will be set to disconnected, and is the only value that is returned to the calling app.
An example object would look like this:
"netmask": "",
"dns1": "",
"ipAddress": "",
"onInternet": "yes",
"method": "dhcp",
"ssid": "TestAP",
"state": "connected",
"gateway": "",
"interfaceName": "wlan0",
"proxyInfo" :
"servers": [""],
"method": "manual",
"excludes": [""]
Name | Required | Type | Description |
dns | Optional | String array | List of IP Addreses of the DNS servers for this Wi-Fi connection. |
gateway | Optional | String | The IP address of the network gateway. |
interfaceName | Optional | String | Name of the Wi-Fi Interface name in use. For example, wlan0. |
ipAddress | Optional | String | The IP address associated with the Wi-Fi connection. |
method | Optional | String | If the IP address was assigned using the manual mode, method will contain Manual. If the IP Address was assigned through DHCP, method will contain dhcp. |
netmask | Optional | String | The net mask value for the Wi-Fi connection. |
onInternet | Optional | String | The captive portal technique forces an HTTP client on a network to see a special web page (usually for authentication purposes) before using the Internet normally. Captive portals are used at most Wi-Fi hotspots.The onInternet will contain one of the following values:
ssid | Optional | String | The SSID of the connected service (if known). |
state | Required | String | If the W-iFi connection is available it will be set to connected. If the Wi-Fi connection is not available, it will be set to disconnected. |
proxyInfo | Optional | Object: proxyInfo | The actual system configuration of Proxy servers. |
This object contains the MAC address for the WI-Fi interface.
An example object would like this:
"macAddress": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee"
Name | Required | Type | Description |
macAddress | Required | String | MAC address of the Wi-Fi interface. |
The wired object provides details on the status of the wired connections.
If the wired connection is available then all the fields of this object contain the relevant information. If the wired connection is not available then the state field of this object will be set to disconnected and is the only value that is returned to the calling app.
An example would look like:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
dns | Optional | String array | List of IP Addreses of the DNS servers for this wired connection. |
gateway | Optional | String | The IP address of the network gateway. |
interfaceName | Optional | String | Name of the wired Interface name in use. For example, eth0. |
ipAddress | Optional | String | The IP address associated with the wired connection. |
method | Optional | String | If the IP address was assigned using the manual mode, method will contain Manual. If the IP Address was assigned through DHCP, method will contain dhcp. |
netmask | Optional | String | The net mask value for the wired connection. |
plugged | Required | Boolean | If Ethernet cable is plugged, plugged will contain true. If Ethernet cable is unplugged, plugged will contain false. |
onInternet | Optional | String | The captive portal technique forces an HTTP client on a network to see a special web page (usually for authentication purposes) before using the Internet normally. Captive portals are used at most Wi-Fi hotspots.The onInternet will contain one of the following values:
state | Required | String | If the wired connection is available it will be set to connected. If the wired connection is not available, it will be set to disconnected. |
proxyInfo | Optional | Object: proxyInfo | The actual system configuration of Proxy servers. |
interfaces | Required | Object array: InterfaceInfo | Information about the interfaces |
The object containing the MAC address of the wired interface.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
macAddress | Required | String | MAC address of wired interface |
interfaces | Required | Object array: InterfaceMacInfo | Information about the interfaces and its MAC address |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
9 | Could not validate json message against schema | This message implies that there was an error because parameters passed to a method were not following the schema format. |