This API has been available since API level 11.
This API has been available since API level 11.
Settings Service manages the settings used in webOS and provides the setting information (descriptions) such as Set, Get functions to setting values, the valid range of data that can be set, and whether UI is exposed or not. Subscription option is supported for all settings.
Settings Service manages different values according to dimension, such as country and external input, under the same setting. When the dimension has changed, it sends a necessary subscription message.
API level 11
Runs more than one Settings Service method at once.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
operations | Required | Object array: batchOperation | A set of objects containing method name and the method's parameters as properties. |
subscribe | Optional | Boolean | Indicates whether to subscribe for related events. Note: Should be set to true if any of the batchOperation`s params have a 'subscribe' option set to true Possible values are:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
results | Required | array | It contains method property and the result of each method that matches passed operations. method property contains name of the method. It is used to clarify which method is called from the many responses returned from batch. |
subscribed | Optional | Boolean | Indicates the current subscription status. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether the execution succeeded. Possible values are:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
N/A | Optional | String | Although the first response includes all methods' responses, in the subscription response, only necessary method responses are included. The subscription form is determined according to each method described in operations parameter. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
N/A | N/A | The errors of each method included in the batch method are described in results. |
Example code
Run luna-send command:
# luna-send -n 1 luna://com.webos.service.settings/batch '{
"operations": [
"method": "getSystemSettings",
"params": {
"category": "picture",
"keys": [
"method": "getSystemSettingDesc",
"params": {
"category": "picture",
"keys": [
"subscribe": true
Example response for a successful call:
"returnValue": true,
"results": [
"settings": {
"brightness": "50"
"category": "picture",
"dimension": {
"input": "comp1",
"pictureMode": "normal",
"_3dStatus": "2d"
"returnValue": true
"returnValue": true,
"results": [
"category": "picture",
"dimension": [
"key": "brightness",
"ui": {
"active": true,
"displayName": "brightness",
"visible": true,
"widget": "None"
"valueCheck": true,
"values": {
"range": {
"interval": 1,
"max": 100,
"min": 0
"volatile": false,
"vtype": "Range"
Example response for a failed call
"returnValue": true,
"results": [
"errorText": "no result from DB",
"category": "picture",
"dimension": {},
"method": "getSystemSettings",
"returnValue": false
"returnValue": false,
"error": "no result in DB",
"subscribed": false,
"method": "getSystemSettingDesc"
API level 11
Deletes settings item(s). Factory default value is also deleted.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
category | Optional | String | Category of settings |
dimension | Optional | Object: dimension | Dimension information. It is used when setting by input, video mode, 3D mode. |
keys | Required | String array | Keys to be deleted |
app_id | Optional | String | App ID. In case of app specific setting, app ID should be specified. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
method | Required | String | Method name. It is used to clarify which method is called from the many responses returned from batch. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether the execution succeeded. Possible values are:
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
N/A | invalid key array | It throws error for invalid key or empty key as invalid key array |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.settings/deleteSystemSettings '{
"category": "option",
"keys": [
"method": "deleteSystemSettings",
"returnValue": true
API level 11
Looks up the settings item, and returns the settings for the current foreground app only unlike the setSystemSettings method.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
category | Optional | String | Category of settings. If omitted, it means the group that doesn't have category name. |
dimension | Optional | Object: dimension | Dimension information. It is used when changing settings for a specific dimension. If omitted, the currently used dimension is used. |
keys | Required | array | Keys to be retrieved |
subscribe | Optional | Boolean | Indicates whether to subscribe for related events Possible values are:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
settings | Required | Object: settings | Objects that holds setting values. |
category | Required | String | Category of settings. It is same with the value specified in category input parameter. |
dimension | Required | Object: dimension | In case there is a dimension property in settings category, it returns the corresponding value. |
method | Required | String | Method name. It is used to clarify which method is called from the many responses returned from batch. |
app_id | Required | String | Current foreground app ID |
subscribed | Optional | Boolean | Indicates the current subscription status. Possible values are:
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether the execution succeeded Possible values are:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
settings | Required | Object | Objects that holds setting values. |
category | Required | String | Category of settings. It is same with the value specified in category input parameter. |
dimension | Optional | Object: dimension | In case there is a dimension property in settings category, it returns the corresponding value. |
method | Required | String | Method name. It is used to clarify which method is called from the many responses returned from batch. |
app_id | Required | String | In case of settings by app, it returns App ID. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether the execution succeeded. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | There is no matched result from DB | Requested keys are undefined. |
Example code
Run luna-send command:
# luna-send -n 1 luna://com.webos.service.settings/getCurrentSettings '{
"category": "lock",
"keys": [
Example response for a successful call:
"settings": {
"applockPerApp": false
"app_id": "",
"category": "lock",
"method": "getSystemSettings",
"returnValue": true
Example response for a failed call:
"errorText": "There is no matched result from DB",
"app_id": "",
"category": "lock",
"method": "getSystemSettings",
"returnValue": false
API level 11
Retrieves detailed information on the settings.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
category | Optional | String | Category of settings |
keys | Optional | String array | Keys for retrieving setting values. Note: Either one of keys and key must be provided. |
key | Optional | String | Key for retrieving setting value. Note: Either one of keys and key must be provided. |
app_id | Optional | String | ID of the app. Note: If target key is app specific setting, app ID must be provided. |
current_app | Optional | Boolean | If app ID is not specified, use the current foreground app ID. Note: If app ID is provided, this parameter is ignored. Possible values are:
subscribe | Optional | Boolean | Indicates whether to subscribe for related events Possible values are:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
subscribed | Required | Boolean | Indicates the current subscription status (check 'subscribe' parameter). |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates status of method execution. Possible values are:
method | Required | String | Method name. It is used to clarify which method is called from the many responses returned from batch. |
results | Optional | Object array: result | For each key parameter returns a result object |
app_id | Optional | String | If the result setting is app specific value, app ID will be returned. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether the execution succeeded. Possible values are:
method | Required | String | Method name. It is used to clarify which method is called from the many responses returned from batch. |
app_id | Optional | String | If the result setting is app specific value, app ID will be returned. |
values | Required | Object: values | The valid range of the setting value. The properties of the values are determined according to vtype. |
category | Required | String | Category of settings |
ui | Required | Object: ui | Object for UI information containing active and visible flags as property. |
vtype | Required | String | Type of values object. Possible values are:
volatile | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether to initialize with the factory default value when resetting the system (device is rebooted). Possible values are:
key | Required | String | Dimension value from the dimension property in settings category (is available). |
dimension | Required | String array | Dimension value from the dimension property in settings category (is available). |
caller | Required | String | Indicates the identifier of the service requesting to query or modify the system settings. |
dbtype | Required | String | Database type. Possible values are:
valueCheck | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether the validation check for the settings values is performed. Possible values are:
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | no result in DB | An undefined key is requested. |
Example scenario
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.settings/getSystemSettingDesc '{"category":"picture", "keys":["brightness"]}'
Response: For successful call
"subscribed": false,
"returnValue": true,
"results": [
"valueTypeCheck": false,
"category": "picture",
"values": {
"range": {
"max": 100,
"min": 0,
"interval": 1
"valueCheck": true,
"ui": {
"displayName": "brightness",
"visible": true,
"active": true,
"widget": "None"
"vtype": "Range",
"volatile": false,
"dbtype": "G",
"key": "brightness",
"dimension": [
"method": "getSystemSettingDesc"
API level 11
Retrieves the factory default value of the setting item. Method of use is the same as getSystemSettings.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
category | Optional | String | Category of settings |
dimension | Optional | Object: dimension | Dimension information. It is used when setting by input, video mode, 3D mode. |
keys | Optional | String array | Keys to be retrieved. Note: Either one of keys and key must be provided. |
key | Optional | String | A key to be retrieved. In case there is one key to be retrieved, directly input the strings. Note: Either one of keys and key must be provided. |
app_id | Optional | String | App ID. In case of app specific setting, app ID should be specified. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether the execution succeeded. Possible values are:
method | Required | String | Method name. It is used to clarify which method is called from the many responses returned from batch. |
dimension | Required | Object: dimension | In case there is a dimension property in settings category, it returns the corresponding value. |
category | Required | String | Settings category name |
settings | Required | Object: settings | Object that holds setting values. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | no result in DB | An undefined key is requested. |
Example code
Run luna-send command:
# luna-send -n 1 luna://com.webos.service.settings/getSystemSettingFactoryValue '{"category":"picture", "key":"brightness"}' -f
Example response for a successful call:
"dimension": {
"pictureMode": "eco",
"input": "comp1",
"_3dStatus": "2d"
"category": "picture",
"method": "getSystemSettingFactoryValue",
"settings": {
"brightness": "50"
"returnValue": true
Example response for a failed call:
"dimension": {
"category": "picture",
"method": "getSystemSettingFactoryValue",
"returnValue": false,
"errorText": "no result from DB"
API level 11
Retrives possible items to be set
Name | Required | Type | Description |
category | Optional | String | Category of settings |
key | Required | String | A key to be retrieved |
app_id | Optional | String | In case of setting by app, app ID needs to be specified. |
subscribe | Optional | Boolean | Indicates whether to subscribe for related events.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
method | Required | String | Method name. It is used to clarify which method is called from the many responses returned from batch. |
vtype | Required | String | Type of values object. |
values | Required | Object: values | The valid range of the setting value. The properties of the values are determined according to vtype. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether the execution succeeded.
errorText | Optional | String | Describes the error. The method will return errorText only if it fails. See the Error Codes Reference for more details. |
subscribed | Required | Boolean | Indicates the current subscription status. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
method | Required | String | Method name. It is used to clarify which method is called from the many responses returned from batch. |
vtype | Required | String | Type of values object. |
values | Required | Object: values | The valid range of the setting value. The properties of the values are determined according to vtype. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether the execution succeeded. |
subscribed | Required | Boolean | Indicates the current subscription status. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | no result in DB | An undefined key is requested. |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 luna://com.webos.service.settings/getSystemSettingValues '{"category":"picture", "key":"brightness"}' -f
Response for a successful call:
"method": "getSystemSettingValues",
"subscribed": true,
"returnValue": true,
"vtype": "Range",
"values": {
"range": {
"interval": 1,
"max": 100,
"min": 0
Response for a failed call:
"error": "no result in DB",
"method": "getSystemSettingValues",
"returnValue": false
API level 11
Retrieves values from system settings with keys or category which are specified in array as parameter. Following keys are available in public bus.
Category | Key | Remarks |
N/A | localeInfo | Locale info such as Menu, Audio
N/A | eulaStatus | End-User License Agreement |
caption | captionEnable | Caption settings
option | country | Country settings (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
option | smartServiceCountryCode2 | Service country settings (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
option | smartServiceCountryCode3 | Service country settings (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3) |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
category | Optional | String | Category of settings
dimension | Optional | Object: dimension | Specify dimension information for special key (e.g. brightness has 3 dimensions, input, _3dMode, pictureMode). Current dimensions is applied if dimension is not specified. |
keys | Optional | array | Keys for retrieving setting values. One of keys and key should be specified. |
key | Optional | String | A key for retrieving setting value. One of keys and key should be specified. |
app_id | Optional | String | App ID. If target key is app specific setting, app ID should be specified. |
current_app | Optional | Boolean | Indicates whether to use current foreground app ID instead of specific app ID.
subscribe | Optional | Boolean | Indicates whether to subscribe for related events.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
settings | Required | Object: settings | Objects that holds result setting values. |
category | Required | String | Category name of the result settings. It is same with category parameter in method call. |
dimension | Required | Object: dimension | Dimension information of the result settings. In case the setting category has a dimension, it returns its value. |
method | Required | String | Method name that is used for clarify which method is called in subscription messages. |
app_id | Optional | String | If the result setting is app specific value, app ID will be returned. |
subscribed | Optional | Boolean | Indicates the current subscription status. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether the execution succeeded.
errorText | Optional | String | Describes the error. The method will return errorText only if it fails. See the Error Codes Reference for more details. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
settings | Required | Object: settings | Objects that holds result setting values. |
category | Required | String | Category name of the result settings. It is same with category parameter in method call. |
dimension | Required | Object: dimension | Dimension information of the result settings. In case the setting category has a dimension, it returns its value. |
method | Required | String | Method name that is used for clarify which method is called in subscription messages. |
app_id | Optional | String | If the result setting is app specific value, app ID will be returned. |
returnValue | Optional | String | Indicates whether the execution succeeded. |
errorText | Optional | String | Describes the error. The method will return errorText only if it fails. See the Error Codes Reference for more details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
N/A | There is no matched result from DB | Requested keys are undefined. |
Example code
Example 1:
# luna-send -f -n 1 luna://com.webos.service.settings/getSystemSettings '{
"keys":["country", "smartServiceCountryCode2"]
"category": "option",
"method": "getSystemSettings",
"settings": {
"smartServiceCountryCode2": "GB",
"country": "FRA"
"returnValue": true
Example 2:
# luna-send -f -n 1 luna://com.webos.service.settings/getSystemSettings '{"keys":["localeInfo"]}'
"method": "getSystemSettings",
"settings": {
"localeInfo": {
"locales": {
"UI": "en-GB",
"TV": "en-GB",
"FMT": "en-GB",
"NLP": "en-GB",
"STT": "fr-FR",
"AUD2": "en-GB"
"clock": "locale",
"keyboards": ["en"],
"timezone": ""
"returnValue": true
API level 11
Returns the information of the services which currently subscribe to the Settings Service.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether the execution succeeded.
subscriptions | Required | Object array: subscription | The list of the services (e.g., message, sender, method) which are currently subscribing to the Settings Service. |
errorText | Optional | String | Describes the error. The method will return errorText only if it fails. See the Error Codes Reference for more details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | cannot run command or ls-monitor is running | ls-monitor has been already running or cannot run command |
None | cannot parse result or ls-monitor is running | Cannot parse the ls-monitor results |
None | memory allocation error | Memory related errors |
Example code
Run luna-send command: (Create log)
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.settings/internal/getCurrentSubscriptions '{}'
Example response for a successful call:
"returnValue": true,
"subscriptions": [
"message": "{ \"category\": \"option\", \"keys\": [ \"country\" ], \"subscribe\": true }",
"sender": "com.webos.service.update",
"method": "getSystemSettings"
API level 11
Generates log for debug and changes current app.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
control | Required | String | Information on internal method settings |
params | Optional | Object | The current app ID to be changed |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether the execution succeeded.
instrumentStatus | Optional | String | Instrument setting status |
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
N/A | Error!! to insert request for internal category to task que | Fatal failure like OOM. |
N/A | Unexpected request on PrefsInternalCategory::handleMethodInstrument |
Unexpected request on PrefsInternalCategory::handleMethodInstrument |
Example : Create log
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.settings/internal/instrument '{"control":"start"}'
Response for a successful call:
"instrumentStatus": "started",
"returnValue": true
Response for a failed call:
"returnValue": false,
"errorText": "unexpected request on PrefsInternalCategory::handleMethodInstrument"
Example : Change current app
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.settings/internal/instrument '{"control":"changeApp","params":{"app_id":""}}'
"returnValue": true
API level 11
Initializes the settings item information to the factory default value.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
category | Optional | String | Category of settings |
keys | Required | array | Keys to be reset to the factory default value |
app_id | Optional | String | App ID. If target key is app specific setting, app ID should be specified. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
method | Required | String | Method name. It is used to clarify which method is called from the many responses returned from batch. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether the execution succeeded.
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
N/A | no keys specified | It will throw error for failed cases as no keys specified |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -a com.webos.setting luna://com.webos.service.settings/resetSystemSettingDesc '{"category":"support"}'
"method": "resetSystemSettingDesc"
"returnValue": true
Example of failed case
luna-send -f -n 1 -a com.webos.setting luna://com.webos.service.settings/resetSystemSettingDesc '{"category":"support"}'
"returnValue": false,
"errorText": "no keys specified",
"method": "resetSystemSettingDesc"
API level 11
Initializes the setting items to the factory default values.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
category | Optional | String | Category of settings |
dimension | Optional | Object: dimension | Dimension information. It is used when setting by input, video mode, 3D mode. |
keys | Required | array | Keys to be reset to the factory default value |
app_id | Optional | String | App ID. If target key is app specific setting, app ID should be specified. |
resetAll | Optional | Boolean | Indicates whether to reset the settings for all dimensions.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
method | Required | String | Method name that is used for clarify which method is called in subscription messages. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether the execution succeeded.
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
N/A | invalid key array | It throws error for invalid key as invalid key array |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -a com.webos.setting luna://com.webos.service.settings/resetSystemSettings '{"category":"support", "keys":["automaticUpdate"]}'
"returnValue": true
Example of failed call
luna-send -f -n 1 -a com.webos.setting luna://com.webos.service.settings/resetSystemSettings '{"category":"support", "keys":[]}'
"returnValue": false,
"errorText": "invalid key array",
"method": "resetSystemSettings"
API level 11
Changes detailed information of the settings.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
category | Optional | String | Category of settings |
key | Required | String | A key to be set |
app_id | Optional | String | App ID. In case of app specific setting, app ID should be specified. |
ui | Optional | Object: ui | Object for UI information containing active and visible flags as property. |
vtype | Optional | String | Type of values object. Possible values: array, arrayExt, range, callback, file. |
values | Optional | Object: values | Specify the properties of the values object according to vtype. |
volatile | Optional | Boolean | Indicates whether to initialize the setting when resetting the system.
valueCheck | Optional | Boolean | Indicates whether to perform the validation check on the set values.
notifySelf | Optional | Boolean | Indicates whether to receive the subscription message.
ext | Optional | Object: ext | reserved property |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
method | Required | String | Method name that is used for clarify which method is called in subscription messages. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether the execution succeeded.
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | The format of value is wrong | vtype and the combination of values do not match. (e.g. In case vtype is arrayExt, there must exist arrayExt in values object.) |
Example code
# luna-send -f -n 1 -a com.webos.service.settings luna://com.webos.service.settings/setSystemSettingDesc '{
"key": "brightness",
"ui": {
"visible": false,
"displayName": "brightness",
"active": true,
"widget": "None"
Response for a successful call:
"method": "setSystemSettingDesc",
"returnValue": true
Response for a failed call:
"method": "setSystemSettingDesc",
"returnValue": false,
"errorText": "The format of value is wrong. 'value':{$ref:'VaildValues'}. $ref is one of 'array', 'range', or 'date'"
API level 11
Sets the default value when reset by resetSystemSettingDesc.
It is the same type as setSystemSettingDesc method, and it can change the factory default values of the settings info.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
category | Optional | String | Category of settings |
key | Required | String | Setting key |
app_id | Optional | String | App ID. In case of app specific setting, app ID should be specified. |
ui | Optional | Object array: ui | Object for UI information containing active and visible flags as property. |
vtype | Optional | String | Type of values object. |
values | Optional | Object: values | Specify the properties of the values object according to vtype. |
volatile | Optional | Boolean | Indicates whether to initialize the setting when resetting the system.
valueCheck | Optional | Boolean | Indicates whether to perform the validation check on the set values.
notifySelf | Optional | Boolean | Indicates whether to receive the subscription message.
ext | Optional | Object: ext | reserved property |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
method | Required | String | Method name that is used for clarify which method is called in subscription messages. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether the execution succeeded.
errorText | Optional | String | Describes the error. The method will return errorText only if it fails. See the Error Codes Reference for more details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | The format of value is wrong | vtype and the combination of values do not match. (e.g. In case vtype is arrayExt, there must exist arrayExt in values object.) |
Example code
Run luna-send command:
# luna-send -f -n 1 -a com.webos.service.settings luna://com.webos.service.settings/setSystemSettingFactoryDesc '{
"key": "brightness",
"ui": {
"visible": false,
"displayName": "brightness",
"active": true,
"widget": "None"
Response for a successful call:
"returnValue": true,
"method": "setSystemSettingFactoryDesc"
Response for a failed call:
"method": "setSystemSettingFactoryDesc",
"returnValue": false,
"errorText": "The format of value is wrong. 'value':{$ref:'VaildValues'}. $ref is one of 'array', 'range', or 'date'"
API level 11
Changes the factory default of the setting item. The using method is same as setSystemSettings method.
It can set the default value when resetSystemSettings method is called.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
category | Optional | String | Category of settings |
app_id | Optional | String | App ID. In case of app specific setting, app ID should be specified. |
dimension | Optional | Object: dimension | Dimension information. It is used when setting by input, video mode, 3D mode. |
settings | Required | Object: settings | Settings to be saved |
setAll | Optional | Boolean | Indicates whether to set the settings for all dimensions. Either dimension or setAll can be specified.
country | Optional | String | Set to change settings of a specific country only |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
method | Required | String | Method name that is used for clarify which method is called in subscription messages. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether the execution succeeded.
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
N/A | Parsing Fail! | The payload isn't a correct JSON. |
N/A | Used both setAll and dimension | Ambiguous parameters: either setAll or dimension can be specified in the request. |
N/A | no settings specified | Parameter validation failure: settings should be specified. |
N/A | 'settings' should be set json_object type | Parameter validation: settings isn't a JSON object |
N/A | 'Key' shouldn't be NULL | Parameter validation: settings shouldn't be empty. |
N/A | ERROR!! send a request to DB | Failed to send a request to the DB. |
Example code
# luna-send -f -n 1 luna://com.webos.service.settings/setSystemSettingFactoryValue '{
"dimension":{"input":"hdmi2", "pictureMode":"vivid", "_3dStatus":"2d"},
"settings":{"brightness":30, "contrast":44}
Response for a successful call:
"method": "setSystemSettingFactoryValue",
"returnValue": true
API level 11
Changes the formats of the configurable values. It can change detailed information using setSystemSettingDesc method.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
category | Optional | String | Category of settings |
key | Required | String | Setting key |
values | Required | Object: values | Specify the properties of the values object according to vtype. |
vtype | Required | String | Type of values object. Possible values are:
op | Required | String | Method of settings. Possible values are:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
method | Required | String | Method name that is used for clarify which method is called in subscription messages. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether the execution succeeded. Possible values are:
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | The format of value is wrong | vtype and the combination of values do not match. (e.g. In case vtype is arrayExt, there must exist arrayExt in values object.) |
None | no result in DB | An undefined key is requested. |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.settings/setSystemSettingValues '{
"method": "setSystemSettingValues",
"returnValue": true
API level 11
Changes settings. It is available only for the keys open to public when called through Public Luna bus. The permission setting is as follow.
Category | Key | Remarks |
caption | captionEnable | Caption setting |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
category | Optional | String | Category of settings |
dimension | Optional | Object: dimension | It is used when setting by input, video mode, 3D mode. |
settings | Required | Object: settings | Settings to be saved |
app_id | Optional | String | App ID. In case of app specific setting, app ID should be specified. |
notifySelf | Optional | Boolean | Indicates whether to receive the subscription message. Possible values are:
current_app | Optional | Boolean | Indicates whether to return the settings of the current foreground app. Possible values are:
setAll | Optional | Boolean | Indicates whether to set the settings of all dimensions. Possible values are:
notify | Optional | Boolean | Indicates whether to receive the subscription message. Possible values are:
store | Optional | Boolean | Indicates whether to store the subscription message in DB. Possible values are:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
method | Required | String | Method name that is used for clarify which method is called in subscription messages. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether the execution succeeded. Possible values are:
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
N/A | 'Key' shouldn't be NULL" | Parameter validation: settings shouldn't be empty. |
N/A | Error checking access rights | When the Sender or SenderServiceName is empty or NULL |
Example code
# luna-send \-n 1 luna://com.webos.service.settings/setSystemSettings '{
"dimension":{"input":"hdmi2", "pictureMode":"vivid", "_3dStatus":"2d"},
"settings":{"brightness":30, "contrast":44}
"method": "setSystemSettings",
"returnValue": true
This object describes the strings among the selectable value type.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
active | Required | Boolean | If it's True, it means it is the value that users can select. |
visible | Required | Boolean | Only if it's True, it is displayed to the user as a selectable item. |
value | Required | String | Defines the value that is stored when the user makes a selection. |
This object describes the methods to be executed in batch method.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
method | Required | String | Method name |
params | Required | Object: params | The object that includes the parameters defined by method. |
Reserved. Not implemented.
Reserved. Not implemented.
Settings Service can set many different values under the same setting according to dimension.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
input | Optional | String | Indicates the input value. Possible values are:
_3dPattern | Optional | String | Indicates the 3D pattern. Possible values are:
_3dStatus | Optional | String | Indicates the 3D status. Possible values are:
pictureMode | Optional | String | Indicates the picture mode. Possible values are:
_3dMode | Optional | String | Indicates the 3D mode. Possible values are:
It is defined for future expansion. Not in use now.
This object has the corresponding parameters to the methods described in the batch method's operations as property. No specific format needed.
It is used when describing the user-configurable data in the integer range.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
interval | Required | Number (int32_t) | Interval between the values that the user can select in the integer range. |
min | Required | Number (int32_t) | Minimum value among the integer values that the user can select |
max | Required | Number (int32_t) | Maximum value among the integer values that the user can select |
Provides result info.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
category | Required | String | Category of settings |
dbtype | Required | String | Database type. Possible values are:
dimension | Required | String array | Dimension value from the dimension property in settings category (is available). |
key | Required | String | Requested key. |
valueCheck | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether the validation check for the settings values is performed. Possible values are:
volatile | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether to initialize with the factory default value when resetting the system (device is rebooted). Possible values are:
ui | Required | Object: ui | Object for UI information containing active and visible flags as property. |
vtype | Required | String | Type of values object. Possible values are:
values | Required | Object: values | The valid range of the setting value. The properties of the values are determined according to vtype. |
It is the Object that has the setting property. No specific format to follow.
This object describes an active subscription to the settings service.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
message | Required | Object | The original payload of the subscription request. |
sender | Required | String | Service name of the subscriber |
method | Required | String | Method name that subscriber called to create the subscription. |
UI settings when creating user UI like Settings app.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
active | Required | Boolean | Indicates whether users can make a change. Possible values are:
visible | Required | Boolean | Indicates the menu visibility status. Possible values are:
displayName | Required | String | Name of Settings menu that is displayed to users. |
widget | Required | String | UI Component information like Combo Box and List. (currently not in use) |
Specify the properties of the values object according to vtype. It is the information that is used for the validation of configurable values.
The format for the value of each vtype is:
array: [ string, string, ...]
arrayExt: [ object, object, ...]
Object Syntax:
visible: boolean
active: boolean
value: string
range: {
max: integer
min: integer
interval: integer
Name | Required | Type | Description |
array | Optional | String array | Array of configurable strings |
arrayExt | Optional | Object array: arrayExt | Array of extended information of the configurable strings |
range | Optional | Object: range | Valid range in integer |
callback | Optional | Object: callback | Validation check for external callback |
date | Optional | Object: date | Format of date and time |
file | Optional | String | Describes valid data on the external file |