This API has been available since API level 11.
This API has been available since API level 11.
Provides access to the webOS system settings such as:
This service must be used when an application needs to read or modify system settings. It should not be used to implement any business functionality, such as saving business data through backup procedures. It is often used by UI applications.
This service provides a group of system utilities:
These values represent system settings which can be queried or modified. Some of them are read-only or write-only, some values are hardware specific(like ringtone). A list of system preference values:
User can set their own values, these values will be stored permanently. Custom values can be used to save program settings.
There are three functions to manage preference values:
API level 11
Restores the platform-specific environment settings from the dump file, previously created by the preBackup method call.
Call this method after executing the restore procedure in order to restore platform-specific settings.
The dump files are saved into the directory specified by the temp_dir parameter.
This method is internal, only system applications can use it. It is not available to third-party applications.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
tempDir | Required | String | Directory to store temporarily generated files (files that are to be restored). |
files | Required | string array | List of files to restore. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | Required Arguments Missing. | Some of the arguments required for this method have not been provided. |
None | Invalid arguments. | Some of the arguments provided to the method have invalid values. |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/backup/postRestore '{
"tempDir": "/tmp/",
"files": ["/var/luna/preferences/systemprefs_backup.db"]
"returnValue": true
API level 11
The preBackup method creates dump files containing platform-specific environment settings. Call this method before executing the backup procedure in order to save these settings.
The dump files are saved into the directory specified by the temp_dir parameter or '${localstatedir}/preferences'.
The list of the platform-specific settings that are saved in the dump file is specified in the sysservice-backupkeys.json file. Below is an example of this file:
If any of the method parameters is not specified or specified incorrectly, the method will use the default values.
This method is internal, only system applications can use it. It is not available to third-party applications.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
incrementalKey | Optional | object | This is used primarily for mojodb, backup service will handle other incremental backups. |
maxTempBytes | Optional | number | The allowed size of upload. It is currently set at 10MB. |
tempDir | Optional | String | Directory to store temporarily generated files. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
description | Required | String | Describes the backup.
version | Required | String | Version of the backup.
files | Required | string array | List of files included in the backup.
Example code
Example response for a successful call:
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/backup/preBackup '{}'
"description": "Backup of LunaSysService, containing the systemprefs sqlite3 database",
"version": "1.0",
"files": [
API level 11
The getTime method gets the current time for a specific time source.
There are several time data sources on the system: Linux system time, user time, network-broadcast time and more. When calling this method, you can specify the desired time data source in the source parameter. The complete list of the data sources is listed in the source parameter description below.
Any application can use this method.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
source | Optional | String | Time-source to access (default "system")
Note: Some platforms may have different subsets of mentioned time sources according to the value of preference timeSources |
manualOverride | Optional | Boolean |
The default value of manualOverride is true and gets the time from the source parameter system. Note: useNetworkTime is a preference that is set by the setPreferences, getPreferences, and getPreferenceValues methods. The values for these preferences depend on the app or product that is being used. |
fallback | Optional | String | Fall-back time source to use when requested one is missing. If not set and time-source specified in "source" is missing request will fail (unless overridden by manual time). |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
source | Required | String | Actual time source associated with result (either one specified in source or in fallback or manual if overridden). |
utc | Optional | Number | Seconds since epoch for UTC. |
offset | Optional | Object: TimeSourceOffset | Offset from some other time source (usually from system). |
systemTimeSource | Optional | String | If system-wide system time is returned and this field is present, it will denote last time source used for system time synchronization. |
priority | Optional | Number | Priority of returned time source (with higher level overrides one with lower). |
timestamp | Optional | Object: Timestamp | Monotonic timestamp. |
errorCode | Optional | Number | The error code for the failed operation. |
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | Requested clock is not registered | Time source is not among list of available ones ("timeSources"). |
None | No time available for that clock | Requested time source not yet available (ex. no Internet for "ntp"). |
1 | Could not validate json message against schema | The request data is invalid. |
Example code
Example of a successful call:
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/clock/getTime '{}'
"source": "system",
"offset": {
"source": "system",
"value": 0
"systemTimeSource": "sdp",
"timestamp": {
"source": "monotonic",
"sec": 94528,
"nsec": 612100095
"returnValue": true,
"utc": 1448556831
API level 11
The setTime method is used to set the time. By calling this method you can update any time data source, including Linux system time, network-broadcasted time, user time and others.
Any application can use this method.
After this method is called, the system services receives a notification about the time update.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
utc | Required | Number | Seconds since epoch in UTC time-zone. Note: Either utc field or available field is mandatory. |
source | Optional | String | Time source associated with time info update (default "manual"). Only those sources that are listed in the timeSources Preference key can be set. |
available | Required | Boolean | Availability flag. Set to false to specify that source is not available. Note: Either available field or utc field is mandatory. |
timestamp | Optional | Object: Timestamp | Monotonic timestamp. If set, will be used to calculate a delay between sending and receipt of this request over luna-bus and add that to utc field. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
. The clock/setTime method may fail because:
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
errorCode | Optional | Number | Error Code Number |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | Requested clock is not registered | Time source is not among list of available ones ("timeSources"). |
1 | Could not validate json message against schema | The request data is invalid. |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/clock/setTime '{"utc":1448556562}'
API level 11
The query method to get the device system information such as product Id, system number, hardware information, Wi-FI address, battery status and others. Please refer to the return values table below for a complete list of the system parameters.
Note: This method must not be used by 3rd-party applications.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
parameters | Optional | String array | List of requested parameters. If not specified, all available parameters wiil be returned. Accepted parameters:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
battery_challange | Optional | String | Battery challenge. Currently, the "not supported" value is always returned. Note: There is a typo in the parameter name. Use the spelling as given in this table. |
keyboard_type | Optional | String | Refers to the keyboard built into the device. Example: virtual |
board_type | Optional | String | Board type. |
product_id | Optional | String | Product ID. |
serial_number | Optional | String | Serial number. |
installer | Optional | String | Tool used to install the image. Currently, the "not supported" value is always returned. |
storage_size | Optional | String | Storage size. |
modem_present | Optional | String | Modem availability. Note: This parameter is "not supported", even though the response shows this value as "N" to indicate modem is not present. |
hardware_id | Optional | String | Hardware ID. |
ram_size | Optional | String | RAM size. |
hardware_revision | Optional | String | Hardware revision. |
wired_addr | Optional | String | Wired/Ethernet MAC address. |
wifi_addr | Optional | String | WiFi MAC address. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
last_reset_type | Optional | String | Reason code for last reboot (may come from /proc/cmdline). Currently, the "not supported" value is always returned. |
radio_type | Optional | String | Internal ID code for the radio type. Currently, the "not supported" value is always returned. |
storage_free | Optional | String | Free storage size. Currently, the "not supported" value is always returned. |
battery_response | Optional | String | Battery response. Currently, the "not supported" value is always returned. |
device_name | Optional | String | Device name. |
nduid | Optional | String | NDUID. |
bt_addr | Optional | String | Bluetooth address. |
device_id | Optional | String | ID for uniquely identifying the device |
errorCode | Optional | Number | The error code for the failed operation. Note:If the method fails, the errorText is always returned but the errorCode is returned only for specific errors.. |
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | Invalid message payload | JSON format is not valid |
None | 'parameters' needs to be an array | parameters field should be a JSON string array e.g. ["param1", "param2"] |
None | Internal error. Can't initialize nyx | Failed to load nyx library. |
None | Internal error. Can't open nyx device | Nyx library error. |
None | Invalid parameter: + [parameter name] | The parameter mentioned in the error message is invalid. |
Example : General invocation
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/deviceInfo/query '{}'
API level 11
Retrieves a list of valid values for the specified key. If the key is of a type that takes one of a discrete set of valid values, it returns that set. Otherwise, it returns nothing for the key.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
key | Required | String | Key name to fetch preference values for. Accepted key names:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
The method can fail if the "key is not specified or is invalid". |
errorCode | Optional | Number | The error code for the failed operation. |
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
[key name] | Optional | Any array | Contains the set returned for the specified key name in command parameters. |
syszones | Optional | Any array | Provides ZoneID with the respective time offset for different time zones. |
mccInfo | Optional | Any array | Provides a 3 digit mobile country code [mcc], which signifies details of the region. Example: "mcc" : 460. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
1 | Could not validate json message against schema | The request data is invalid. |
1 | Can't find handler for key: " + [key name] | The handler for the key specified in the error message cannot be found. |
2 | Handler doesn't have values for key: " + [key name] | The handler countains no values for the key specified in the error message. |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/getPreferenceValues '{"key": "useNetworkTime" }'
Example scenario
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/getPreferenceValues '{ "key": "timeFormat" }'
API level 11
The getPreferences method retrieves the values for keys specified in a passed array. If subscribe is set to true, then getPreferences sends an update if the key values change. This method queries system preference values and custom user values.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
subscribe | Optional | Boolean | If subscribe is set to true, then getPreferences sends an update if the key values have changed. |
keys | Required | string array | An array of key names. A key is a system preference or custom user key (see overview of this API for details). Accepted key names:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
subscribed | Optional | Boolean | True if the subscription was successful |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
errorCode | Optional | Number | The error code for the failed operation. |
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | no keys specified | The keys property has not been provided to the method. |
None | no key array specified | The keys property provided is not an array. |
None | invalid key array | The keys array does not have any values. |
None | invalid value encoded in preference("did you escape your strings?") | Subset of requested values have preferences that contain invalid json representation. |
1 | Could not validate json message against schema | The request data is invalid. |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/getPreferences '{"keys": ["locale"]}'
"countryName":"United States",
API level 11
The query method returns operating system information. This method may be used to display the operating system version, API version, build name and date and so on.
This method is available for both internal and third-party applications.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
parameters | Optional | String array | List of requested parameters. If not specified, all available parameters will be returned. The available parameters are those listed under the Name column under the Return section below (with the exception of errorCode and errorText). |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
core_os_kernel_version | Optional | String | Core OS kernel version info |
core_os_name | Optional | String | Core OS name |
core_os_release | Optional | String | Core OS release info |
core_os_release_codename | Optional | String | Core OS release codename |
webos_build_datetime | Optional | String | The UTC timestamp reflecting when the current image was built. The string is in the format "YYYYMMDDhhmmss". |
webos_build_id | Optional | String | webOS build ID |
webos_imagename | Optional | String | webOS imagename |
webos_name | Optional | String | webOS name |
webos_prerelease | Optional | String | webOS prerelease info |
webos_release | Optional | String | webOS release info |
webos_release_codename | Optional | String | webOS release codename |
webos_manufacturing_version | Optional | String | webOS manufacting version |
encryption_key_type | Optional | String | Encryption key type |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | 'parameters' needs to be an array | The parameters parameter must be an array. |
None | Can not initialize nyx | Internal error. Can't initialize nyx. |
None | Internal error. Can't open nyx device | Nyx API error |
None | Can't get OS parameter: | Failed to retrieve information for <parameter> where<parameter> is the name of one of the requested parameters passed to this method. |
None | Invalid parameter: + | The <parameter name> specified in the error message is invalid. |
None | Invalid message payload | The request JSON payload contains invalid data. |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/osInfo/query '{
"webos_name":"webOS OSE",
API level 11
Adds a new ringtone on devices that use ringtones.
Note: This method is public. It can be used both by the system and third-party applications.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
filePath | Required | String | Absolute path to the ringtone file. Note: The ringtone file needs to be copied manually to the target prior to using this API |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
100 | input file specification doesn't support non-local files (use file:///path/file or /path/file format | input file specification does not support non-local files (use file:///path/file or /path/file format) |
101 | source file name missing. | Can not find file at current path |
102 | Unable to add ringtone. | Failed to copy ringtone to media partition. |
103 | Source file doesn't exist | Note: The ringtone file needs to be copied manually to the target first. Note: #cp <local_directory>/ringtone.mp3 /usr/palm/sounds/ The file could not be found by the specified filepath. |
Example : Copy the ringtone file (.mp3) to desired location, for example (/usr/palm/sounds/)
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/ringtone/addRingtone '{"filePath": "/usr/palm/sounds/ringtone.mp3" }'
Response: For successful call
"returnValue": true
API level 11
Deletes a ringtone.
Note: This method is public. It can be used both by the system and third-party applications.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
filePath | Required | String | Absolute path to the ringtone file. The directory must be given only as "/media/internal/ringtones/" Note: The ringtone file needs to be added via addRingtone API prior to using this API. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
100 | file doesn't exist | Specified file doesn't exist |
101 | source file name missing. | specified file to path does not contain the name of file (for example "foo/bar/" but not "foo/bar.mp3") |
102 | Unable to delete ringtone. | Note: The ringtone file must be present in the location Unable to delete ringtone. |
Example code
// The ringtone file must be present in "/media/internal/ringtones/"
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/ringtone/deleteRingtone '{"filePath": "/media/internal/ringtones/ringtone.mp3" }'
Response: For successful call
"returnValue": true
API level 11
The setPreferences method sets preference keys to specified values. The values are specified by pair: key - value in JSON format. See the example below.
Note: This method is public. It can be used both by the system and third-party applications.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
param208 | Optional | Object | Each such param represents a key-value pair of preference name and its value. Existing key values are:
New key will be created if any other key is specified. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | Some settings could not be saved | Some settings could not be saved |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/setPreferences '{ "timeZone": {"ZoneID":"Europe/Kiev"}, "timeFormat": "HH12" }'
API level 15
Returns details of software deployed on the webOS device.
Note: Currently, returns only the nodejs version.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
parameters | Optional | String array | List of requested parameters. Possible values:
Note: If no value is specified, all available parameters are returned: |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of the operation. Possible values are:
errorCode | Optional | Number | The error code for the failed operation. |
errorText | Optional | String | The reason for the failure of the operation. See the 'Error Codes' section of this method for details. |
nodejs_versions | Optional | String array | Versions of nodejs that are available on the webOS device. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | Invalid parameter: + | The <parameter name> specified in the request is invalid. |
None | 'parameters' needs to be an array | The 'parameters' parameter must be provided as an array. |
None | Invalid message payload | The request JSON payload contains invalid data. |
None | Could not validate json message against schema | Anything other than parameters is passed. |
Example : Querying the nodejs version
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/softwareInfo/query '{
"returnValue": true,
"nodejs_versions": [
API level 11
The convertDate method converts the given date from one timezone to another.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
date | Required | String | Date to convert as a string in format: "Y-m-d H:M:S". |
source_tz | Required | String | Source timezone. |
dest_tz | Required | String | Destination timezone. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
date | Required | String | The date in the destination timezone if the call was successful. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | Unrecognized date format: | Date format is unrecognized. |
None | unrecognized characters in date: | Characters in date are unrecognized. |
None | Timezone not found: | Timezone with the specified name is not found. Depending on which time zone is not recognized, either source timezone or detination time zone name will be specified in the error message. |
Example code
Example of a successful call:
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/time/convertDate '{
"date": "1982-12-06 17:25:33",
"source_tz": "America/Los_Angeles",
"returnValue": true,
"date": "Mon Dec 6 19:25:33 1982"
Example of a failed call:
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/time/convertDate '{
"date": "1982-12-06 17:25:33",
"source_tz": "America/Los_Angeles",
"returnValue": false,
"errorText": "timezone not found: 'America/New_York1'"
API level 11
The getBroadcastTime method returns the broadcast time.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
utc | Required | Number | Seconds since epoch for UTC time-zone |
local | Optional | Number | Seconds since epoch with offset according to broadcast regional offsets table |
localtime | Optional | Object: LocalTime | Calendar representation of local time |
timestamp | Optional | Object: Timestamp | Monotonic timestamp. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
errorCode | Optional | Number | The error code for the failed operation. |
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
-2 | No information available | No broadcast time information available since boot |
Example code
Example of a successful call:
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/time/getBroadcastTime '{}'
"utc": 1418745993,
"localtime": {
"month": 12,
"day": 16,
"hour": 11,
"minute": 0,
"year": 2014,
"second": 41
"local": 1418727641,
"timestamp": {
"source": "monotonic",
"sec": 94707,
"nsec": 141357576
"returnValue": true
API level 11
Returns the locale info matching the requested locale settings. In particular, the name of the city is returned on the language for which the code is specified in the locale request parameter.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
locale | Required | String | Requested locale code. For example: "en" - English, "de" - German, "ko" - Korean. Note: If an invalid locale code is specified, the method returns default time zone locale data. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
timeZone | Required | Object: TimeZone | Timezone matching the given parameters. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | 'locale' parameter missing | The locale parameter is not specified in the request. You must specify the locale (e.g. "en" for English, "de" for German) in the request. |
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/time/getCurrentTimeZoneByLocale '{"locale":"ko"}'
"City":"ë¡œìŠ¤ì•¤ì ¤ë ˆìŠ¤",
"Description":"Pacific Time",
"Country":"United States of America",
API level 11
Returns the effective broadcast time. If no broadcast time info update has been received since boot, the Linux system-wide time is returned.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
subscribe | Optional | Boolean | Subscribe for notifications. Possible values are:
​Default value: false |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
subscribed | Optional | Boolean | True if the subscription was successful. |
adjustedUtc | Required | Number | Seconds since epoch suitable for converting from UTC to local time which corresponds with appropriate broadcast regional offset table entry |
local | Required | Number | Seconds since epoch with offset according to broadcast regional offsets table |
localtime | Optional | Object: LocalTime | Calendar representation of local time. |
timestamp | Optional | Object: Timestamp | Monotonic timestamp |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
errorCode | Optional | Number | The error code for the failed operation. |
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
systemTimeSource | Optional | String | Time source used for last system time synchronization. Note: This field is only provided when the systemTime feature is configured. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
subscribed | Optional | Boolean | True if the subscription was successful. |
adjustedUtc | Required | Number | Seconds since epoch suitable for converting from UTC to local time which corresponds with appropriate broadcast regional offset table entry |
local | Required | Number | Seconds since epoch with offset according to broadcast regional offsets table |
localtime | Optional | Object: LocalTime | Calendar representation of local time. |
timestamp | Optional | Object: Timestamp | Monotonic timestamp |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
errorCode | Optional | Number | The error code for the failed operation. |
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
systemTimeSource | Optional | String | Denotes last time source used for system time synchronization. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
-1 | Failed to get localtime | Failed to get localtime |
1 | Could not validate json message against schema | The request data is invalid. |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/time/getEffectiveBroadcastTime '{}'
API level 11
The getNTPTime returns the fresh NTP time (the time data transferred by the Network Time Protocol).
Name | Required | Type | Description |
utc | Optional | Number | Seconds since epoch for UTC time-zone |
subscribed | Required | Boolean | subscribed will always contain false. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | NTP requests are prohibited at the moment | NTP requests are prohibited at the moment |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/time/getNTPTime '{ }'
API level 11
The time/getSystemTime method gets the system time and time zone information. Apps can susbcribe to this method and receive notifications when the time zone changes and/or the system time changes by a significant amount (currently 5 min.).
This method does not generate errors, however if the LSSubscriptionAdd method, which is used inside the getSystemTime method, returns an error, this error is reported.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
subscribe | Optional | Boolean | If the app wants to receive notifications when the time zone changes and/or the system time changes by a system-defined threshold, it should set subscribe to true. The current system-defined threshold is 5 minutes. If the app does not wish to receive notifications of change in time zone and/or the system time changes, it should set subscribe ​ to false. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
errorCode | Optional | Number | The error code for the failed operation. |
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
isDST | Optional | Boolean | Indicates whether the system is currently using Daylight Saving Time (DST). The possible values:
Note: This field is not provided if the DST information is not available. |
localtime | Required | Object: LocalTime | The object that contains information about the current system time. |
offset | Required | Number | The number of minutes from UTC. This can be negative for time zones west of UTC, and positive for time zones east of UTC. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
subscribed | Optional | Boolean | Indicates if subscribed to get notified.
timestamp | Optional | Object: Timestamp | Monotonic timestamp |
timezone | Required | String | |
timeZoneFile | Required | String | Linux zone information file for the currently set zone. For more information, see: |
TZ | Required | String | |
utc | Required | Number | The number of milliseconds since Epoch (midnight of January 1, 1970 UTC), also know as the Unix time. |
systemTimeSource | Required | String | It will denote the time source used for system time synchronization. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
utc | Required | Number | The number of milliseconds since Epoch (midnight of January 1, 1970 UTC), also know as the Unix time. |
localtime | Required | Object: LocalTime | The object that contains information about the current system time. |
offset | Required | Number | The number of minutes from UTC. This can be negative for time zones west of UTC, and positive for time zones east of UTC. |
timezone | Required | String | |
TZ | Required | String | |
timeZoneFile | Required | String | Linux zone information file for the currently set zone. For more information, see: |
NITZValidTime | Optional | Boolean | The NITZValidTime property indicaltes that a valid time was correctly set using NITZ. This value is needed because sometimes the time-zone may be received ahead of the time. |
NITZValidZone | Optional | Boolean | The NITZValidZone property indicates that a valid time-zone was correctly set using NITZ. This value is needed because sometimes the time may be received ahead of the time-zone. |
isDST | Optional | Boolean | A flag that indicates whether daylight saving time (DST) is in effect at the time described. The value is true if DST is in effect, false if it is not, and absent if the information is not available. |
systemTimeSource | Required | String | It will denote the time source used for system time synchronization. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
1 | Could not get service unique name | Luna-service2 internal error: Can't retrieve unique service name from the message. |
1 | Could not get unique token | Luna-service2 internal error: Can't retrieve unique token from the message |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/time/getSystemTime '{}'
API level 11
Returns the path to Linux time-zone information file for the currently set zone. This file contains the list of rules that define switching to and from daylight saving time. In particular, the time-zone information file defines when the time shift occurs in each particular year.
Note: A call to this method always succeeds. This method does not return returnValue.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
subscribed | Required | String | subscribed will always contain false. |
timeZoneFile | Required | String | Path to the system timezone file. |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/time/getSystemTimezoneFile '{}'
API level 11
Returns the number of seconds since the last system boot. This method uses the Linux-specific sysinfo function.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
errorCode | Optional | Number | The error code for the failed operation. It contains the POSIX errno value. |
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
uptime | Optional | Number | Number of seconds since last system boot. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
14 | Bad address | Internal error: Invalid sysinfo parameter. |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/time/getSystemUptime '{}'
"returnValue": true,
"uptime": 5185
API level 11
Executes all methods listed in the timeChangeLaunch list (value of the timeChangeLaunch preference).
The timeChangeLaunch list contains all applications that must be executed when the switching to/from the daylight saving time occurs. These applications are executed automatically, you should not call the launchTimeChangeApps method. However, if for some reason you need to execute these applications apart from the schedule, you can call the the launchTimeChangeApps method.
Note: This method call always succeeds.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
subscribed | Required | String | Always returns false. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Always returns true. |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/time/launchTimeChangeApps '{}'
API level 11
Sets the broadcast time which is in the broadcast signal. The system service will be notified that the broadcast time must be changed.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
utc | Required | Number | UTC time in seconds since epoch. |
local | Required | Number | Seconds since epoch with local time offset (according to broadcast regional offsets table). |
timestamp | Optional | Object: Timestamp | Monotonic timestamp. If set, will be used to calculate a delay between sending and receipt of this request over luna-bus and add that to utc field. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Number | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
errorCode | Optional | Number | The error code for the failed operation. |
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
-2 | Failed to update broadcast time offsets | Failed to update broadcast time offsets |
1 | Could not validate json message against schema | The request data is invalid. |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/time/setBroadcastTime '{"utc": 1418745990, "local": 1418727638 }'
API level 11
The setSystemNetworkTime method is used to send a NITZ messages to Luna System Service. A NITZ message contains the local time and date, time zone and DST offset, as well as network provider identity. NITZ can be used to update the system clock of network devices.
This method is called by the service, which receives the time data from the service provider.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
sec | Required | String | GMT second. |
min | Required | String | GMT minute. |
hour | Required | String | GMT hour. |
mday | Required | String | Day of the month. |
mon | Required | String | Month of the year, 0 - 11. |
year | Required | String | Year calculated from 1900, for example 2012 - 1900 = 112. |
offset | Required | String | Offset from GMT time in minutes. |
mcc | Required | String | Country code. |
mnc | Required | String | Network code assign to carrier within a country |
tzvalid | Required | Boolean | Is set to true of if timezone is valid. If false, mcc and offset are used to calculate time. |
timevalid | Required | Boolean | Is time valid. |
dstvalid | Required | Boolean | Is daylight saving time in use. |
dst | Required | Number (int32_t) | If this is 1, month needs to be set within the timeframe of DaylightSavingTime (~April - ~Septermber). If this is 0, months needs to be specified outside of DaylightSavingTime ( ~November - February). |
timestamp | Required | String | Timestamp of current time. Can be number of ticks from system boot. The number is used to calculate delay of message delivery |
tilIgnore | Required | Boolean | Set as true if you wish to test this service with a fake NITZ message. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
errorCode | Optional | Number | The error code for the failed operation. |
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | nitz message failed ... | Failed to handle this NITZ message at some stage |
1 | Could not validate json message against schema | The request data is invalid. |
Example code
Example of a successful call:
# luna-send -f -n 1 luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/time/setSystemNetworkTime '{
"returnValue": true
API level 11
The setSystemTime method sets the Linux system-wide time effectively overriding any previous synchronization with any time source.
Note: this API might not change system time returned by getSystemTime. It depends on manualOverride and useNetworkTime preferences.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
utc | Required | Number | The number of milliseconds since Epoch (midnight of January 1, 1970 UTC), aka - Unix time. |
timestamp | Optional | Object: Timestamp | Monotonic timestamp. If set, will be used to calculate a delay between sending and receipt of this request over luna-bus and add that to the utc field. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
errorCode | Optional | Number | The error code for the failed operation. |
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
FAIL | accessing utc integer value failed | The utc key is missing. |
1 | Could not validate json message against schema | The request data is invalid. |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/time/setSystemTime '{"utc": 1418745990 }'
API level 11
The setTimeChangeLaunch method adds an application to, or removes it from the timeChangeLaunch list.
The timeChangeLaunch list contains the applications that are automatically executed by the system when the switch to or from the daylight saving time occurs.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
appId | Required | String | Application ID. |
active | Required | Boolean | If true, adds the application to the launch list. If false, the application is removed. |
parameters | Required | Object | Launch parameters for the application. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
errorCode | Optional | Number | The error code for the failed operation. |
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | cannot deactivate an appId that isn't in the list | AppID is not in the list |
1 | Could not validate json message against schema | The request data is invalid. |
Example code
Example of a successful call:
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/time/setTimeChangeLaunch '{
"appId": "",
"active": true,
"parameters": { "param1": "foo", "param2": "bar" }
"subscribed": false,
"returnValue": true
API level 11
The setTimeWithNTP methods synchronizes the system time with the NTP.
Note: This method call always succeeds.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Always true |
Example code
Example of a successful call:
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/time/setTimeWithNTP '{}'
"returnValue": true
API level 11
Create a manual timezone named "Etc/Manual" and specify details of this timezone.
After creating the timezone, enable it by using the following command:
luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/setPreferences '{"timeZone": {"ZoneID": "Etc/Manual"}}'
Name | Required | Type | Description |
bias | Optional | Number | Number of minutes that the manual timezone is offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). |
standardDate | Optional | Object: TimeZoneEasRule | Date and local time when Daylight Saving Time (DST) transitions to standard time. Note: This field must be specified in combination with the daylightDate parameter. If either of these parameters is not specified, both the fields are ignored. |
standardBias | Optional | Number | The bias value to be used during local time translations that occur during standard time. This value is added to the value of the bias parameter to form the bias used during standard time. Default value: 0 (in most time zones this value is 0) Note: This parameter is ignored if the standardDate parameter is not specified. |
daylightDate | Optional | Object: TimeZoneEasRule | Date and local time when standard time transitions to Daylight Saving Time (DST). Note: This field must be specified in combination with the standardDate parameter. If either of these parameters is not specified, both fields are ignored. |
daylightBias | Optional | Number | The bias value to be used during local time translations that occur during daylight saving time. This value is added to the value of the bias parameter to form the bias used during daylight saving time. Default value: -60 (in most time zones this value is -60) Note: This parameter is ignored if the daylightDate parameter is not specified. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
errorCode | Optional | Number | The error code for the failed operation. |
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
0 | DST duration is too short | DST duration is too short |
1 | Could not validate json message against schema | The request data is invalid |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/timezone/createTimeZoneFromEasData '{
"month": 10,
"dayOfWeek": 0,
"week": 3,
"hour": 2
"month": 7,
"dayOfWeek": 0,
"week": 1,
"hour": 0
API level 11
Gets the time-zone that matches the provided EAS data. This method enables you to determine the time zone by the specified time stamp.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
bias | Required | Number | Number of minutes that a time zone is offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). |
standardDate | Optional | Object: EasLocalTime | Object containing date and time information in standard time. If any of the fields for EasLocalTime structure are missing or out of range, this field is ignored as not specified. This field should be specified in combination with daylightDate. If either standardDate or daylightDate is not specified, both fields are ignored as not specified. |
standardBias | Optional | Number | The standardBias is the bias value to be used for local time translations that occur during standard time. This value is added to the value of the bias member to form the bias used during standard time. In most time zones, the value is zero. This field is not used in calculations for the moment. |
daylightDate | Optional | Object: EasLocalTime | The daylightDate is an object containing the date and time information in daylight saving time. If any of the fields for EasLocalTime structure are missing or out of range, this field is ignored as not specified. This field should be specified in combination with standardDate. If either standardDate or daylightDate is not specified, both are ignored as not specified. |
daylightBias | Optional | Number | The dayLightBias is the bias value to be used for local time translations that occur during daylight saving time. This value is added to the value of the bias member to form the bias used during daylight saving time. In most time zones, the value is –60. This field is not used in calculations for the moment. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
timeZone | Optional | String | The timezone matching the given parameters. Note: When there are multiple locations that match the specified "bias", the entry that first appears in the preferences is returned. For example, Gibraltar and Brussles, both have offset from UTC as 60. So, if bias is given as "-60", the API returns timezone as "Gibraltar" since it appears before "Brussels". This order can be checked in the output of the following command: |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
errorCode | Optional | Number | The error code for the failed operation. |
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | Failed to find timeZone preference | Failed to find timezone preference |
None | Failed to find any timezones with specified bias value | Failed to find any timezones with specified bias value |
None | Failed to find any timezones with specified parametes | Failed to find any timezones with specified parameters |
1 | Could not validate json message against schema | The request data is invalid. |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/timezone/getTimeZoneFromEasData '{ "bias": 0 }'
API level 11
The getTimeZoneRules method requests rules for specific time-zone for the specified years. By calling this method you can get the rules of when and how the daylight time switching occurs at the specified year.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
tz | Required | String | The timezone for which to get information. |
years | Optional | Number array | Array of years for which to get information. If not specified, information for the current year is returned. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
results | Optional | Object array: TimeZoneRule | Object array for the results. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
0 | Cannot parse json payload. Json root needs to be an array | The request JSON data is invalid. |
0 | Missing tz entry or entry is not a string | The request data is invalid. |
0 | years entry is not array | The request data is invalid. |
0 | entry in years array is not integer | The request data is invalid. |
Example code
Example of a successful call:
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/timezone/getTimeZoneRules '[ {"tz": "Europe/Helsinki", "years": [2012, 2010]} ]'
"returnValue": true,
"results": [
"tz": "Europe/Helsinki",
"dstOffset": 10800,
"dstStart": 1332637200,
"dstEnd": 1351386000,
"utcOffset": 7200,
"year": 2012,
"hasDstChange": true
"tz": "Europe/Helsinki",
"dstOffset": 10800,
"dstStart": 1269738000,
"dstEnd": 1288486800,
"utcOffset": 7200,
"year": 2010,
"hasDstChange": true
API level 11
API level 30
API level 30
The convert method converts an image. The type, scaling and centering of the image may be changed. If the resulting image is smaller than the original, black is added to the edges so that the resulting image is the same size as the original. If the resulting image would be bigger than the original, the image is cropped.
JPG, PNG and BMP files are supported.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
source | Required | String | Path to the source file. Note: The wallpaper file needs to be copied manually to the target prior to using this API |
destType | Required | String | Type for the destination file. Can be jpg, png or bmp. |
dest | Optional | String | Path for the destination file. |
focusX | Optional | Number | The horizontal coordinate of the new center of the image, from 0.0 (left edge) to 1.0 (right edge). A value of 0.5 preserves the current horizontal center of the image. |
focusY | Optional | Number | The vertical coordinate of the new center of the image, from 0.0 (top edge) to 1.0 (bottom edge). A value of 0.5 preserves the current vertical center of the image. |
scale | Optional | Number | Scale factor for the image, must be greater than zero. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
conversionResult | Required | Object: ImageConversionResult | Object containing information of the converted image. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | no destination file specified and couldn't create temp file | Destination file is missing |
None | Can't create destination folder | Can not create destination folder |
None | invalid specification for input file (please use url format) | Invalid path for input file |
None | input file specification doesn't support non-local files (use file:///path/file or /path/file format) | input file specification doesn't support non-local files (use file:///path/file or /path/file format) |
None | invalid specification for output file (please use url format) | Invalid specification for output file |
None | output file specification doesn't support non-local files (use file:///path/file or /path/file format | output file specification doesn't support non-local files (use file:///path/file or /path/file format) |
None | One of the standard Linux error messages | System errors related to memory allocation or file operations such as "Resource temporary unavailable" or "Cannot allocate memory". See errno(3) and strerror(3) for details. |
None | couldn't parse json | The request data is invalid. |
None | lunabus handler error; luna didn't pass a valid instance var to handler | Internal luna bus error. |
None | File not found. | File not found. |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/wallpaper/convert '{
"source": "/var/rootdirs/home/root/Capture.PNG",
"destType" : "jpg"
"returnValue": true,
"conversionResult": {
"dest": "//var/rootdirs/home/root/test.jpg",
"source": "//var/rootdirs/home/root/Capture.PNG",
"destType": "jpg"
API level 11
API level 30
API level 30
The deleteWallpaper method deletes the specified wallpaper from the list of available wallpapers on the device.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
wallpaperName | Required | String | The wallpaperName attribute of the wallpaper object to delete. Note: The wallpaper file should have been copied and imported in the target prior to using this API |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
wallpaper | Optional | Object: Wallpaper | A wallpaper object corresponding with the deleted wallpaper |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
errorCode | Optional | Number | The error code for the failed operation. |
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | Invalid wallpaper name specified. | Invalid wallpaper name specified (perhaps it doesn't exist in the wallpaper directory). |
1 | "Could not validate json message against schema | The request data is invalid. |
1 | lunabus handler error; luna didn't pass a valid instance var to handler | Internal luna bus error. |
1 | must specify wallpaperName | The wallpaper filename is not specified in the request. |
1 | Could not validate json message against schema | The request data is invalid. |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/wallpaper/deleteWallpaper '{ "wallpaperName": "record-large.png" }'
"returnValue": true,
"wallpaper": {
"wallpaperName": "record-large.png"
API level 11
API level 30
API level 30
The importWallpaper method is used to convert the specified image into a device wallpaper. To convert into a wallpaper the image is either re-centered and cropped, or scaled. Once the image has been converted, the wallpaper is stored in the internal list of wallpapers on the device, and is available until deleted using deleteWallpaper method.
Focus Parameter | Scale Parameter | Conversion Method |
Yes | No | The image is re-centered at the point specified by the focus parameters and cropped. Gaps are filled with Black color if the image does not reach the edge of the screen. |
No | Yes | The image is scaled and then cropped |
Yes | Yes | The image is first scaled and then re-centered and cropped |
No | No | Scales the image to fill the screen |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
target | Required | String | Path to the image file. |
focusX | Optional | Number | Represents the horizontal coordinates of the new center of the image from 0.0 (left edge) to 1.0 (right edge). A value of 0.5 preserves the current horizontal center of the image. |
focusY | Optional | Number | The vertical coordinate of the new center of the image, from 0.0 (top edge) to 1.0 (bottom edge). A value of 0.5 preserves the current vertical center of the image. |
scale | Optional | Number | Scale parameter determines the new size of the image, must be greater than zero. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
wallpaper | Optional | Object: Wallpaper | A wallpaper object. This object can be passed to setPreferences to set the wallpaper key. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | empty input file path specified | Input file path should not be empty. |
None | invalid specification for input file (please use url format) | Invalid specification for input file. |
None | input file specification doesn't support non-local files (use file:///path/file or /path/file format | Input file specification does not support the non-local files. |
None | lunabus handler error; luna didn't pass a valid instance var to handler | Internal luna bus error. |
None | no input file specified | The input file is not specified in the request. |
None | Path is missing | The path is not specified in the request. |
None | Both path and file name are missing | The path and the filename are not specified in the request. |
None | filename is missing | The name of the wallpaper file is not specified in the request. |
None | couldn't create thumbnail | Failed to create a thumbnail from the wallpaper image. |
None | File not found | The wallpaper image file is not found. |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/wallpaper/importWallpaper '{ "target": "/media/internal/.wallpapers/flowers.png" }'
"returnValue": true,
"wallpaper": {
"wallpaperName": "flowers.png",
"wallpaperFile": "\/media\/internal\/.wallpapers\/flowers.png",
"wallpaperThumbFile": "\/media\/internal\/.wallpapers\/thumbs\/flowers.png"
API level 11
API level 30
API level 30
The info method retrieves a wallpaper object using either the wallpaperName or wallpaperFile parameter.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
wallpaperName | Optional | String | Wallpaper name. Either this, or wallpaperFile is required. Note: The wallpaper file needs to be copied manually to the target prior to using this API |
wallpaperFile | Optional | String | Wallpaper's full path including the file name. Either this, or wallpaperName is required. Note: The wallpaper file needs to be copied manually to the target prior to using this API |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
wallpaper | Optional | Object: Wallpaper | A wallpaper object. This object can be passed to setPreferences to set the wallpaper key. |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | Indicates the status of operation. Possible values are:
errorText | Optional | String | Indicates the reason for the failure of the operation. See the "Error Codes Reference" section of this method for details. |
Error Code | Error Text | Error Description |
None | invalid wallpaper name specified (perhaps it doesn't exist in the wallpaper dir; was it imported?) | Invalid wallpaper name specified. |
None | Must specify either the "wallpaperName" or the "wallpaperFile". | Must specify either the wallpaperName or the wallpaperFile. |
None | lunabus handler error; luna didn't pass a valid instance var to handler | Internal luna bus error. |
None | invalid wallpaper file specified (perhaps it doesn't exist in the wallpaper dir; was it imported?) | Invalid wallpaper name specified. |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/wallpaper/info '{ "wallpaperFile": "/media/internal/.wallpapers/flowers.png" }'
"returnValue": true,
"wallpaper": {
"wallpaperName": "flowers.png",
"wallpaperFile": "\/media\/internal\/.wallpapers\/flowers.png",
"wallpaperThumbFile": "\/media\/internal\/.wallpapers\/thumbs\/flowers.png"
API level 11
API level 30
API level 30
The refresh method refreshes the internal list of available wallpapers. Under normal circumstances, there is no need to call refresh directly.
Note: This method call always succeeds.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
returnValue | Required | Boolean | returnValue will always contain true. |
Example code
# luna-send -n 1 -f luna://com.webos.service.systemservice/wallpaper/refresh '{}'
This object provides details of the EAS time structure.
"standardDate": {
"month": 12,
"day": 3,
"dayOfWeek": 2,
"hour": 11,
"minute": 0,
"year": 2014,
"second": 38
Name | Required | Type | Description |
year | Optional | Number | The year. Default value is current year |
month | Required | Number | The month (1-12). |
dayOfWeek | Required | Number | Day of the week (0 - 6). 0 is for Sunday, 1 - for Monday and so on to 6 - for Saturday |
day | Required | Number | Occurrence of the day of the week within the month (1 - 5). |
hour | Required | Number | The hour (0 - 23). |
minute | Optional | Number | The minute (0 - 59). Default value is 0 |
second | Optional | Number | The second (0 - 59). Default value is 0 |
Contains details of the converted image.
"src": "/usr/lib/luna/system/luna-systemui/images/opensearch-small-icon.png",
"dest": "/tmp/convertedimage.png",
"destType": "jpg"
Name | Required | Type | Description |
source | Optional | String | Path to the original file. |
dest | Required | String | Path to the output file. |
destType | Required | String | Type of the output file: jpg, png or bmp. |
This object provides details of the current system time.
"localtime": {
"month": 12,
"day": 16,
"hour": 11,
"minute": 0,
"year": 2014,
"second": 38
Name | Required | Type | Description |
year | Required | Number | The year. |
month | Required | Number | The month (1-12). |
dayOfWeek | Optional | Number | Day of the week (0 - 6). |
day | Required | Number | The day (1 - 31). |
hour | Required | Number | The hour (0 - 23). |
minute | Required | Number | The minute (0 - 59). |
second | Required | Number | The second (0 - 59 or 60 for leap seconds). |
Details about the offset from one of the time-sources.
"offset": {
"source": "system",
"value": 0
Name | Required | Type | Description |
value | Required | Number | Offset in seconds from the time-source. |
source | Required | String | Time source identifier (for example system, manual, etc). Only system is returned for the moment. |
Provide a detailed information about an area which observed a uniform standard time.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
Country | Required | String | Country information. |
Description | Required | String | Timezone description. |
offsetFromUTC | Required | Number | Difference in hours and minutes between a particular time zone and UTC. |
supportDST | Required | Number | Information about the support for Daylight Saving Time. |
CountryCode | Required | String | Information about the country code. |
City | Required | String | Information about the city. |
ZoneID | Required | String | Unique identifier string that specifies a particular time zone. |
preferred | Required | Boolean | Flag to show if it is the suggested time zone. Possible values are:
Provides details of structure for creating a timezone rule.
"year": 2016,
"month": 10,
"dayOfWeek": 0,
"week": 3,
"hour": 2
Name | Required | Type | Description |
year | Optional | Number | The year |
month | Optional | Number | The month. Possible values are 1 - 12. |
dayOfWeek | Optional | Number | Day of week. Possible values are 0 - 6, where 0 is Sunday and 6 is Saturday. |
week | Optional | Number | Week of the month. Possible values are 1 - 5, where 1 is the 1st week and 5 is the last or 5th week of month. |
hour | Optional | Number | The hour. Possible values are 0 - 23. |
minute | Optional | Number | The minute (0-59) |
second | Optional | Number | The second (0-59). Default value is 0 |
Contains the rule to be used when DST(daylight saving time) is enabled for a particular zone.
"tz": "Europe/Helsinki",
"dstOffset": 10800,
"dstStart": 1332637200,
"dstEnd": 1351386000,
"utcOffset": 7200,
"year": 2012,
"hasDstChange": true
Name | Required | Type | Description |
tz | Optional | String | The timezone. |
year | Optional | Number | The year. |
hasDstChange | Optional | Boolean | True if daylight saving time is in use in this timezone. |
utcOffset | Required | Number | Time difference from UTC time in seconds. |
dstOffset | Optional | Number | Time difference from UTC time in seconds during daylight saving time. |
dstStart | Optional | Number | The time when daylight saving time starts during the year, presented in Unix time. |
dstEnd | Optional | Number | The time when daylight saving time ends during the year, presented in Unix time. |
Contains details of the timestamp.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
source | Required | String | Source of the timestamp. For example monotonic, etc. Note: currently only monotonic is used. |
sec | Required | Number | Seconds for the timestamp |
nsec | Required | Number | Nanoseconds for the timestamp |
Contains wallpaper details.
"wallpaper": {
"wallpaperName": "flowers.png",
"wallpaperFile": "\/media\/internal\/.wallpapers\/flowers.png",
"wallpaperThumbFile": "\/media\/internal\/.wallpapers\/thumbs\/flowers.png"
Name | Required | Type | Description |
wallpaperName | Required | String | The wallpaperName that was passed to the wallpaper managing methods. |
wallpaperFile | Optional | String | Path to file with wallpaper image. |
wallpaperThumbFile | Optional | String | Path to file with wallpaper thumbnail. |